
发布 2022-12-31 14:04:28 阅读 6570



一、根据句意和所给首字母,补全单词。 full. i can’t eat a___

b___at speaking than was j___and running with another dog.

china, people think of the moon as h**ing f___father was mad at me when he got my r___card.

h**e a s___party for lana on her birthday. she will be very visited her sick aunt in h___with a bunch of people in china like to use f___names went shopping last night and b___lots of nice little is really h___with his study, so he always gets the best results.


in front of,martian,cutting hair,aliens,so-so,take a day off,got mad,argue,ingood health,lunch

saw fourcome out of the ufo.

teacher didn’t say i was lazy. he said i was someone from the planet mars.

didn’t agree with his idea, but i didn’t tell him. i didn’t want towith the ufo landed in our garden, we were in the kitchen h**ing

don’t worry about my grandparents. they areand they are always i was walking down xin street, the ufo landed rightme.

was sitting in a barber chair and __when the barber’s dog saw me and shouted at korea, people usuallyon mid-autumn best friendat me because i copied her homework.

三、根据句意,选择括号里适当的词,使句子完整。 (will / would) bring drinks to the party tonight.

you (watched / were watching) tv, i was doing my don’t h**e enough money. maybe i (should / shouldn’t) get a part-time think there will be (fewer /less) pollution in ten years.



5.(how many / how much) cheese do we need for the pizza? you don’t go to lisa’s party, you’ll (sorry / be sorry).

(was h**ing / were h**ing) our dinner when the policeman math teacher (say / said) i was too lazy.

should (wear / wearing) your cool t-shirt for the you think my jeans (is / are) out of style?四、



the “big day” has arrived for agnes. she is finally le**ing the hospital after a long illness. herhusband, clark, is pushing her in a wheelchair.

they say good-bye to the nurses as they pass by ontheir way to the hospital.

agnes was ill for more than six weeks. the doctors were not sure about her illness. at first theythought that she needed an operation(手术).

finally, after many tests, the doctors g**e her somenew medicine. now, she is nearly well.

) 1. the story took place in the hospital.()2. agnes was ill for over six weeks.

) 3. at first the doctors thought they should operate on her.()4.

after an operation, the doctors g**e her some new medicine.()5. agnes is ok now.

五、读下面的一篇短文,然后根据短文内容,将问题的最佳答案填写在题目前的括号里。one day we invited some friends to dinner. when it was about six o’clock, my wife found that wehad little bread.

so she asked our five-year-old daughter, kathy, to buy some.

here’s a dollar,”my wife said,“get two lo**es(条)of bread, if they h**e it. if they don’t h**e it, get anything. but hurry!

”kathy hurried off, and we waited and waited. by a quarter past six, all the friends had arrived. butkathy had not returned.

finally we saw her dancing around the corner with a bright new hula hoop(呼啦圈)whirling(旋转)round her middle.

kathy!” her mother cried. “where did you get that hula hoop, and where is the bread?

”“well, when i got to the shop, they had sold all their bread,” answered kathy. “and you said ‘ifthey don’t h**e that, get anything!’”



) 1. one day kathy’s parents invited some friends toa. h**e breakfastb.

h**e lunchc. h**e supperd. h**e a party() 2.

how much did kathy’s mother give her?a. a dollarb.

two dollarsc. five dollarsd. six dollars() 3.

kathyin a hurry.

a. played gamesb. went to the shopc.

went to danced. came back home() 4. what did kathy buy at last?

a. other foodb. nothing

c. hula hoopd. two lo**es of bread() 5. why did she do this?

a. because the shop had sold all their bread.

b. because her mother asked her to get anything if they hadn’t had because she loved playing with hula all above.

参***:一、1. anymore / anything2.

better3. jumping4. female5.

report6. surprise7. hospital

8. foreign / first / family9. bought10. hard-working二、1. aliens2. so-so3. martian



4. argue5. lunch

6. in good health7. in front of8. cutting hair9. take a day off10. got mad

三、1. will2. were watching3.

should4. less5. how much6.

be sorry7. were h**ing8. said9.

wear10. are四、1. t2.

t3. t4. f5.

t五、1. c2. a3.

b4. c5. d


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