中考英语总复习之八年级上册9 10单元复习练习题

发布 2022-12-29 23:03:28 阅读 1666

target language

a. grammar focus.

1. 一般过去时:



b.构成:肯定式:she did sth./sb. was/were...

否定式: sb. didn't do sth. /sb. wasn;t/weren't...



he born? he was born in 1895.





b:构成:be going to +do(动词原形)


what __yoube when you grow up? i'man actor.

b. words.

记录 record (打)高尔夫 golf 国家的 national 成就 achievement

演出 perform 成为 become 和蔼的 kind 孙子 grandson

滑冰 skate 冠军 champion 观光 tour 首/篇/幅 piece

活着的 alive 运动员 athlete 亚洲 asia 编号 number

工程师 engineer 飞行员 pilot 梦想 dream 艺术家 artist

主持 host 富有的 rich退休retire 超过 over

传真 fax 外国的 foreign 建造 build

c. phrases.

生于2024年 be born in 1973

保持打嗝的世界记录 has the world record for hiccupping

学骑自行车 learn to ride a bicycle 中国体操运动员 chinese gymnast

空闲时间 free time一部名叫。的喜剧 a comedy named...

巴西足球运动员 brazilian soccer players 一位非同寻常的女孩 an unusual girl

第一次表演京剧 first perform beijing opera 获得金牌 win the gold medal

世锦赛搬到纽约 move to new york

因为 because of女子单打运动员 women's single player

在演讲比赛中 in the speech competition 上表演课 take acting lessons

主修英语与管理 major in english and management 同时 at the same time

练习篮球 practice playing basketball 计算机科学 computer science

计算机编程员 a computer programmer 某个有趣的地方 somewhere interesting

举办艺术展 hold an art exhibition 存钱 s**e some money

找到一份兼职工作 find a part-time job 环游世界 tr**el all over the world

写文章 write articles新年愿望 new year's resolution

吃更健康的食物 eat healthier food 得到更多的锻炼 get more exercise

使。生效 make ..work更多地锻炼身体 exercise more to keep fit

修一条更大的铁路 build a bigger subway 辞职 le**e one's job

与。更好地交流 communicate better with 开欢迎会 h**e a welcome party

学习演奏一门乐器 learn to play an instrument

d. sentences.

1.开始学东西绝不嫌年龄小。(too.. to)

2.他十七岁时为国家效力。(play for)

3.当他还是一个小孩时,就能哼唱歌曲和一些很难的曲子。(hum songs, pieces of)

4.我要退休到某个安静和美丽的地方。(somewhere quiet and beautiful)

5.一些女孩更要经常锻炼来保持健康。(keep healthy)

6.他们想和他们的孩子更好的交流。(communicate with)

extra exercises


key is on __table in the living room. don't forget to take it with you.

2. last saturday i met my friend __jane. we were very happy to see each other.

is3. i saw mr. li __his son to play basketball when i got to our neighborhood.

4. he is a talenthe is good at playing many instruments including piano.

5. when the teacher came in, all the students stoppedthey wanted to know the results of this exam.

6. i'm too tired these days. i'm going to tr**elthis summer vacation.

relaxing exciting somewhere

7. there __two modern buildings in the street in two years.

going to going to build going to be

8. -i'm going to tour the usa next week

a. good luckb. h**e a good trip c. goodbye

9. my mother always remembers __i was born. the date is very important for her.


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