许 新版 英语八年级上单元知识总结与检测

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unit 1 where did you go on vacation?


on vacation 与go for vacation 的区别。

go on vacation强调正在度假或休假,go for vacation强调要去度假但还未动身或正动身去。

2. enough

1)adj 足够的;充足的;充分的。修饰名词时,放在名词前后均可;

例:there is enough food(food enough) for everybody.有足够的食物供大家吃。

2)adv. 要放在形容词、副词或动词后,即要后置。(考试热点)

例: the girl is old enough to go to school.这个女孩已到了上学的年龄。

3)【固定搭配】.…enough for sb对某人来说足够……

enough+名词+to do sth有足够……可以做某事。

例:1)the job is not easy enough for me to do.这份工作对我来说不是那么容易能够胜任。

2)i h**e enough time to finish the work.我有足够的时间完成这项工作。

4). not+形容词/副词+ enough + to do不够……可以做某事,可改为too…to句型,但enough前段形容词/副词是too后面形容词/副词的反义词。

例:the book isn`t easy enough for me to read.

the book is too difficult for me to read. 这本书太难了,为看不懂。

3. arrive、reach和get表示“到达”的区别。

1)arrive*是 vi,表示“到达某地,后常接介词at 或in,一般in接大地方,at接小地方,若是地点副词,则不需用介词。

例如:do you know what time the plane arrive in moscow?

they arrived at the station at 8 this morning.

her mother saw her when she arrived home/there.(home/there是副词,前不用介词)


例如:they reached beijing on february 17.他们于二月十七日到达北京。


例如:i get to school at about 7:30 every day,and i get home at 5:00 in the afternoon..

mr green arrived in /got to/reachedwuhan last night. “格林先生昨晚抵达武汉”

4. because与because of的区别。

because+句子 because of+名词/短语。

判断断语还是句子的标准:单独取出because或because of的内容,如果有动词(也就是谓语)的是句子,如果没有则是断语。

例如:i didn't go to school because i am ill. am是谓语(动词)

i didn't go to school because of my illness. my illness是短语(名词)

5. still no one seemed to be bored. 仍然没有人感到烦闷。


①seem to do sth. 好像做某事如: they seem to wait for you.. 他们似乎在等你。

②seem(to be)+adj. 似乎。如: he seemed ( to be) ill yesterday. 昨天他似乎病了。

③it seems that + 从句似乎。如: it seems that he was ill yesterday. 昨天他似乎病了。

其他表示状态的系动词有:feel(觉得); keep(保持);stay(保持);look(看来像。


2)bored和boring 的用法

bored (adj),意为“感到厌倦的、无聊的”,其主语是某人;

boring(adj),意为“令人厌倦的、无聊的”其主语是某物。 如:

i got bored with the boring work. 我对这无聊的工作感到厌倦。

相类似的词语还有: interested/ tired/ excited/ amazed/surprised

surprised/ tiring/ exciting/ amazing/surprising

6. so 和such 的区别:

so+形/副+ that 从句:she is so popular that everyone likes her.

such+名短+ that 从句:she is such a popular girl that...

so that +从句:结果…(为了) 如:he gets up early so that he can catch the early bus.



例:nothing is impossible.一切皆有可能。

everyone village in the knows the boy is missing. 人人都知道那个孩子失踪了。


i h**e something important to tell you.我有很重要的事情要告诉你。

do you h**e anything to say?

3).带some 的常用于肯定句,带any的常用于否定句和疑问句,some不定代词在用于否定句或疑问句中要变为any不定代词。

例: did you go anywhere interesting this summer?

注意:① 形容词修饰不定代词要后置:anything special



can i ask you something personal ?

anyone can’t break the traffic rules, we know.

if there is anything wrong with the tv, please call me .


what/ how about +doing sth.? 如:what/ how about going shopping?

why don’t you + do sth.? 如:why don’t you go shopping?

why not + do sth如:why not go shopping?

let’s + do sth如: let’s go shopping

shall we/ i + do sth如:shall we/ i go shopping?

3. what a difference a day makes! 一天的差异多大啊。


. what a/an + adj.+ n(单)+主+谓!或 what + adj. +n(复数/不可数)+主+谓!

. how+ adj. +主+谓(联系动词)!或 how + adv+主+谓(实义动词)!

③. how + 句子(陈述句)!

如:what good news (it is)! 多好的新闻啊!

how fast he can run! 他跑得好快啊!

how i love my country! 我好爱我的祖国!



1. 任何人2. 任何地方3. 没有什么。

4.某事物5.大多数的6. 很少的;



13. 鸭14.母鸡15. 日记。

16.似乎17. 精彩的18. 当然。

新版人教版八年级上英语3 4单元知识点

1,比较级,最高级变化规则。一般在词尾 er或est 以e 结尾的加r或st 重读闭音节双写辅音字母 er或est 辅音字母 y结尾的,改y为i er或est 多音节词和部分双音节词,加more或most。不规则变化见书本p114 2,比较级用法。基本句型 主语 be 比较级 than 比较对象。两...


模块一。1查 查找 2犯错误。3谈论 4写下 记下5在。旁边紧挨着6对。有好处7给。写信8一点儿9同意某人的观点10与。交谈11请求12来自。13考虑14与某人交朋友15带领某人参观。16几个,一些1尽力去做某事2练习做某事3忘记去做某事4做某事怎么样。5需要做某事6喜欢做某事7不敢做某事8停下来去...


unit 6 i m going to study computer science 重点单词。1.医生2.工程师。3.小提琴手4.驾驶员。5.飞行员6.钢琴家。7.科学家8.学院 大专。9.教育10.药 医学。11.大学 高等学府12.文章 13.烹饪 厨师14.邮寄 发送。15.决心 决定16....