
发布 2022-12-29 22:03:28 阅读 1048

unit 1 重点句子。

1 i was happy to see my classmates after such a long holiday / so long a holiday .


2 i’m sorry to hear that. 听到这个我很难过。

3 you always like to make new friends. 你总是喜欢交新朋友。

4 but i didn’t know how to begin. 但是我不知道怎么开始。

5 i don’t know what to do / how to do it. 我不知道做什么(怎么做)。

6 you can introduce yourself to her. 你可以向她作自我介绍。

7 it’s almost the same as grade 7. 这几乎和七年级一样。

8 it looks interesting. 这看起来很有趣。

9 i h**e trouble finding answers to questions on my own. 我自己找不到问题的答案。

10 i don’t know which one to choose. he advised me to choose that one.


11 it’s up to you. 由你决定。

12 i agree with you . do you agree with me ? i don’t agree with you.


13 you played the erhu and i performed a dance. 你拉了二胡,我表演了舞蹈。

14 what do you think of the movie ? how do you like the movie ? 你觉得这部电影怎么样?

15 let me write it / them down. 让我把它(们)写下来。

16 i don’t like rain, either. 我也不喜欢雨。

17 we need ten more boys to help us. =we need another ten boys to help us.


18 don’t be nervous / late for school. 不要紧张/上学迟到。

19 one day, the two boys stopped talking to each other. 一天,两个男孩停止了交谈。

20 that way, he could spend more time playing basketball.


21 to his surprise, patrick didn’t agree. 令他吃惊的是,帕特里克不同意。

22 i won’t lend you my homework.= i won’t lend my homework to you. 我不会把作业借给你的。

23 that day the two boys made a deal. 那一天,两个男孩达成了协议。

24 i feel lucky to h**e her as my english teacher. 我很幸运有她当我的英语老师。

25 she is knowledgeable about english. 她精通英语。

26 she is patient with us. 她对我们很有耐心。

27 she encourages us to ask questions and discuss the answers with each other.


28 she is friendly to us. 她对我们很友好。

29 ms. liu has many interests. she likes to swim for exercise.


30 i had the pleasure of talking to mary. 我很高兴和玛丽交谈。

31 she invited me to go to the movies with her next sunday.


32 thank you for inviting me. =thank you for your invitation. 谢谢你邀请我。

33 she and i love to shop for clothes. 她和我喜欢买衣服。

34 danny isn’t scared to talk to her anymore. 丹尼不再害怕和她说话了。

35 each of us is different .=we each are different. 我们每个人都不一样。

36 she dresses very nicely and treats each student fairly. 她穿得很漂亮,对每一个学生都很公平。37 how / what about going swimming ?


38 don’t copy others’ homework. 不要抄别人的作业。

unit 2 重点句子。

1 i hope to see them sometime in the future. 我希望将来某个时候能见到他们。

2 i’ve told you many times. 我告诉过你很多次了。

3 you don’t need to be good at it. 你不需要擅长它。

4 she has taught us a lot. she has helped me with my maths homework a lot.


5 i am much better at art this year. 今年我在艺术方面好多了。

6 class will start in two minutes. how soon will class start ? 两分钟后开始上课。什么时候开始上课呢?

7 one of my f**ourite subjects is physics. 我最喜欢的科目之一是物理。

8 nobody wants to be late for school. 没人想上学迟到。

9 all of our teachers make us study very,very hard. 我们所有的老师都让我们学习非常非常努力。

10 i h**e written three e-mails in english today. 我今天用英语写了三份电子邮件。

11 the best way to learn english is to use it. 学英语最好的方式就是使用它。

12 our english teacher told us to use english every day. 我们的英语老师叫我们每天使用英语。

13 i h**en’t seen you since tuesday. 从星期二起我就没见过你了。

14 i h**e been sick for two days. 我病了两天了。

15 the doctor asked me to rest at home this week. 这个星期医生让我在家休息。

16 i’d love to visit them in the future. 我希望将来能去看他们。

17 i don’t understand them at all. 我一点也不明白。

18 that’s very kind of you to help me. 你能帮我真是太好了。

19 what time is convenient for you ? 你什么时候方便?

20 it’s important to be on time. 准时是很重要的。

21 maybe she is there. =she may be there. 可能她在那里。

22 no noise / photos / smoking / swimming / parking. 禁止喧哗/拍照/吸烟/游泳/停车。

23 we should keep the classroom clean. 我们应该保持教室清洁。

24 how long can i keep the book ? you can keep it for two weeks.


25 danny rushes into the library with a basketball in his hand. 丹尼手里拿着篮球冲进图书馆。

26 my family has lived in canada for six years. 我的家人在加拿大已经住了六年。

27 recently, my class has learned about china. 最近,我的班级正在了解中国。

28 every year, large numbers of tourists visit hainan. 每年都有大批游客来海南旅游。

29 i h**e been in canada for two weeks. 我在加拿大已经两个星期了。

30 the picture always reminds me of that holiday. 这幅画总是使我想起那个假期。

31 everyone was surprised at the surprising news. 每个人都对这个令人惊讶的消息感到惊讶。

32 we had a good discussion about how to stay healthy. 我们讨论了如何保持健康。

冀教版八年级英语上unit1 8复习

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