
发布 2022-12-29 09:46:28 阅读 3929

八年级英语unit 1 课时训练。

第一课时(section a 1a---2c)


1. 多久一次2. 锻炼3. 踩滑板。

4. 几乎没有5. 曾经6. 一次。

7. 两次8. 次数9. 网上冲浪。

10. 节目11. 去电影院12. 看电视。

13.每天14. 每周一次15. 每周两次。

16. 每周三次17. 每月一次18. 最喜欢的电视节目。


1do you go shoppingevery week.

a. how many b. how often c. how much d. how long

2. -i think i’m kind of unhealthy.

-why?--i exercise, you know.

a. like b. always c. hardly ever d. only

3. -what’s f**ouriteanimal world.

a. subject b. programme c. food d. friut

4do you do on weekends?

---i usually go shopping with my friends.

a. what c. how

5do you surf the internet a weekthree times.

a. how often b. how many times c. how long d. how far


1. she often goes to the movie on the weekend. (对划线部分提问)

2. chen watches tv every day. (对划线部分提问)

3. 你多久进行一次锻炼? 每周四次。

4. 李雷每周看两次电视。

5. 你们天天读英语书吗。


1. how often do you goskateboard)?

2. he can hread or write. he is only three years old.

3. his grandpa likes锻炼)very much.

4. we surf the internettwo) a week.

5. he goes to the moviesone time) a week.

第二课时(section a 3---4)


1. 高中2. 结果3. 活跃的4. 至于。

5. 大约6. 每周一两次7. 每周三四次。


1. herethe flowers for you, miss white.

a. are b. is c. be d. was

2. what can you doyour english?

a. improve b. to improve c. improves d. improving

3. how often do youenglish movies?

a. see b. look at c. notice d. watch

4. _students watch tv three or four times a week.

a most b the most c the some d the all

5homework, some student do homework every day.

a tob as forc asd for


1. i __a shower every night.

2. my fatherever watches tv in the evening.

3. thanks forme.

4. mary oftentv on weekends.

5. grandma is pretty healthy because sheevery day.

6. you mustto eat less meat.

7. i likebasketball.

8. what did you do in summer holidays?

ito hongkong with my parents.

9. my mother __me a new bike on my birthday .

are you doing? we areour room.


sports and games are good 1 our health. they can 2 us strong, stop us from getting 3 he**y and keep 4 and happy. especially, they can help the people who work with their brains (大脑) 5 of the day to study better, for sports and games let people 6 their body.

they make our life richer and more colorful. if we i 7 h**e a strong body, we can 8 do things well. so persons of all ages enjoy 9 and taking part in 10 kinds of sports-track and field (田径), swimming, skateboarding and ball games.

) 1. a. at b. for c. to d. in

) 2. a. take b. find c. do d. keep

) 3. a. to b. too c. a lot of d. pretty

) 4. a. health b. healthy c. unhealth d. unhealthy

) 5. a. all b. many c. some d. most

) 6. a. exercise b. to exercise c. exercising d. exercises

) 7. a. aren’t b. do c. don’t d. doesn’t

) 8. a. always b. hard c. hardly d. usually

) 9. a. seeing b. watching c. reading d. looking

) 10. a. difference b. differentc. difficultd. differences

第三课时(section b 1a---2c)


1. 吃垃圾食品2. 喝牛奶3. 吃水果。

4. 吃蔬菜5. 喝咖啡6. 睡觉。

7. 让…做某事8.对…有益9. 多少个小时。

10. 你多久喝一次咖啡。

11. 你每晚睡几个小时的觉。


班级课题。八年级2班。藏巴哇九年制学校2015年秋季学期导学案。英语。编写教师审核人。唐小炎。科目。合作 1.词汇 展示本课时要学的生词并负责组织全班学习然后完成1a的练习。a few相当多的,不少的,most最多的,大多数 many和much的最高级形式 2.短语朗读 课本1a部分 3.句型朗读和...


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