
发布 2022-12-29 07:15:28 阅读 5933


down the street straight and you’ll find the shop.

a. walking b. to walk c. walked d. walks

2. she often gives her baby to eat.

a. something healthy b. something health c. healthy anything d. healthy something

3. don’t too late, or you’ll be tired during daytime.

a. get up b. set up c. stay up d. make up



never goes to a dfor teeth cleaning.

27.—what’s your f**orite panimal world.

dthe sweater because it is out of the style(过时).

mother didn’t h**e emoney, so she couldn’t buy the coat.

didn’t h**e an uso we got wet in the rain.


31. we decidedgo) to the beach near our hotel.

32. no one seemedbe) bored.

33. you’ll getboring) when you h**e nothing to do.

34. there are a lot of newbuild) in my hometown now.

35. can you find somedifferent) between the twin brothers?




21. —you’ll be relaxed when you return from your vacation.—

a. you’re right. b. i hope so. c. all rightd. i hope not.

22. —what are you going to give your mother for her birthday?

—i’m not sure. but i’ll buy her .

a. something special b. anything special c. special something d. special anything

23. —when is he le**ing for beijing?—he’s le**ing the 11th.

a. inb. atc. ofd. on

24. oh, i forgot my ruler with me. can i use yours?

a. bringb. broughtc. to bringd. bringing

25. —where are you going?

i’m going to pairs a week.

a. tob. onc. ford. at

26. —are they staying?

—two days.

a. how many b. how oftenc. how longd. when

27. when you take a vacation,you must take enough money you.

a. inb. fromc. ford. with

28. it’s hot outside. please a sunhat you.

a. take; tob. bring; toc. bring; withd. take; with

29. —what are you doing for vacation?

i am time with my grandparents.

i’m visiting my grandparents.

a. where are you goingb. how about you?

a. visitingb. stayingc. takingd. spending

30. —i am playing soccer this afternoon.

c. it’s greatd. that sounds interesting.

)36. the only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the eveningread.

) was late for school___the rain.

a. as a result b. becausec. sod. because of

)38.-jack, is therein today’s news*****? -no,nothing.

a. anything important b. something important c.

important anything d. important something

)39. everyone in my classthe poor boy without parents.

a. want to help b. want helping c. wants to help helping

)40. at first shelike maths,but now she

a. didn’t; didb. doesn’t; does c. doesn’t; did d. didn’t ;does

)41. there are __oranges in the box. take them with you.

a fewb littlec a fewd a little

)42. we __a good time because it rained he**ily.

a didn’t h**eb h**en’tc hadn’td don’t h**e

)43. it rained he**ily, we went on visiting.

)44 —how often do you drink milk? —i don’t like it, so i __drink it.

everd. often

) you find the answer the question about tv very interesting?

watchingb of, ,watched

56. 这个周末我将去钓鱼。

i’mthis weekend.

57. 我的叔叔现在正在巴黎度假。

my uncle isin paris.

58. 假期你要做什么?

what __you

59. 我太累了,确实需要放松一下。

i’mi really need

60. 那听起来很有趣。祝你过得愉快。

thath**e a


61. let’s go (hike) this weekend.

62. look! the boysplay) soccer on the playground(操场).

63. lucygo) shopping twice a month.


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