仁爱版英语八年级下册考点 Unit5 Unit6

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仁爱版英语八年级下册考点(unit 5—unit 6)


1. you look so excited. 你看起来很激动。

look excited 表示 “看起来很激动’’,这里look 是系动词,后面加上形容词excited 作表语,构成系表结构。如:

jim looks tired. 吉姆看起来很疲劳。

you look pale. what’s wrong with you?

系动词 + adj. ‘构成系表结构,这类动词还有feel, smell, sound, turn, get, become 等。如:

i feel terrible. 我觉得很不舒服。

the trees turn green in spring. 春天,树都变绿了。

the weather gets warmer and warmer. 天气变得越来越暖和。

it sounds great.

the soup smells good, but it tastes bad.

2. that is one of my f**orite movies. 那是我最喜欢的电影之一。

one of`意为“……之一”,后面跟名词的复数形式。如:

tom is one of the lively boys in our class. 汤姆是我们班上活跃的男生之一。

he is one of the tallest boys in his class.

english is one of the most important subjects.

chongqing is one of the hottest cities in china.

3. he was not able to come. 他不能来了。

1) can 和 be able to 表示“能力”时,是同义词。因此在表示“能力”时,可以互换使用。如:

no one is able to/ can do it. 这件事谁也做不了。

i am able to/ can write in english.

he was able to/ could swim when he was five.

2) can 只用在现在时和过去时中,在将来时或完成时中表示“能力”时,一般要用shall/ will be able to 或 h**e/ has been able to,如:

the boy will be able to go to school next year. 这男孩明年就能上学了。

i will be able to pass the exam next time.

i h**en’t been able to read that report yet. 我还没能读那份报告。

4. how do you like the movie? 你觉得这部电影怎么样?

how do you like …?你觉得……怎么样?

what do you think of…?

how do you like the weather in beijing ?

what do you think of the weather in beijing? 你觉得北京天气怎么样?

how do the foreigners like china?

what do the foreigners think of china?

how did you like the soccer game yesterday?

what did you think of the soccer game yesterday?

5. it is our national opera with a history of 200 years.


with a history of 200 years 在句中作定语,修饰opera

with 介词短语可在句中作定语,置于被修饰词之后,表示人或事物的特征。

he is a little man with thick glasses. 他是一个戴着深度近视眼镜的小个子男人。

china is an old country with a long history. 中国是一个有着悠久历史的古老国家。

she is tall girl with long blond hair.

i want to buy a house with a garden and a pool.

6. i am worried about her. 我很担心她。

i worry about her.

be worried about

worry about… 对……感到担心。

he is worried about his english.

he worries about his english.

are you worried about falling behind others? 你对落后于他人感到担心吗?

‘be + adj. +prep.’’的结构还有:

be pleased with 对……感到满意。

be afraid of 对……感到害怕。

be bored with 对……感到厌倦。

be angry with 对某人生气。

be angry at/ about 对某事生气。

be nervous about 对……感到紧张。

be satisfied with 对……感到满意。

be strict with 对某人要求严格。

be strict in 对某事要求严格。

be kind/ friendly to 对某人友好。

be important to sb. 对某人来说……很重要的。

be surprised at… 对……感到惊奇。

he was angry with the person who drove the car that hit his brother. 他对那个开车撞死他哥哥的人很气愤。

i was very angry with/ at myself for ****** such a stupid mistake. 我很生自己的气,竟犯了这样愚蠢的错误。

i was very angry at/ about his beh**ior. he is so rude. 我对他的行为很生气,他竟然这么粗鲁。

7. darren was surprised at the huge animals lining the passage. 达伦对走廊两旁排列着的巨大石制动物感到很惊讶。

be surprised at… 对……感到惊奇。

he is surprised at dragons. 他对龙感到惊奇。

be surprised to do… 惊奇地(做)……

she was surprised to find she was lost. 她惊奇地发现自己迷路了。

8. i don’t know what to do.

what to do” 在这里是含有疑问词的不定式做宾语,相当于宾语从句。

i don’t know what to do.

i don’t know what i should do.

could you tell me how i can get there?

could you tell me how to get there?

we don’t know where they will go tomorrow.

we don’t know where to go tomorrow.

9. it is said that most teenagers h**e problems such as li yun’s. 据说大多数的青少年都有类似于李云这样的问题。

it is said that … 表示“据说……”


it is reported that… 表示“据报道……”

it is believed that… 表示“大家都相信……”

it is known that… 表示“众所周知……”

it is thought that… 表示“被认为……”

it is thought that english is the most widely used language in he world. 英语被认为是世界上使用最广泛的语言。

10. the food is not as delicious as our sichuan food, either. 食物也没有我们四川菜那样美味可口。

1) 表示两者在某一方面程度相等时,用句型“as + 形容词/ 副词原级 + as + 比较对象’’。

i am as tall as my father. 我与父亲一样高。

he runs as fast as tom. 他和汤姆跑得一样快。

english is as important as chinese.

he reads english as loudly as his teacher.

2) 表示某人或某事在某一方面不如另一个人或另一物,用句型“not so/ as + 形容词/ 副词原级 + as + 比较对象”。

jim doesn’t study so/ as hard as helen. 吉姆学习没有海伦努力。

this book isn’t as/ so old as that one.

p. e is not as important as math.

i am not as/ so strong as jim.

11. the nurse there makes me nervous. 那儿的**使我紧张。

1) there 在这里作后置定语。


单词拼写,根据句意 首字母或汉语提示,用一个合适的单词填空。i can s something burning in the kitchen.i want to i some of my friends to my birthday party next saturday evening.i was...


仁爱英语八年级下册考点5到爱空空情空空,自己流浪在街中 人空空钱空空,单身苦命在打工 事空空业空空,想来想去就发疯 碗空空盆空空,生活所迫不轻松。总之,四大皆空!仁爱版英语八年级下册考点 unit 5 unit 6 教材回归考点过关 1.you look so excited.你看起来很激动。loo...

仁爱版英语八年级下册考点 Unit5 Unit6

仁爱版英语八年级下册考点 unit 5 unit 6 教材回归考点过关 1.you look so excited.你看起来很激动。look excited 表示 看起来很激动 这里look 是系动词,后面加上形容词excited 作表语,构成系表结构。如 jim looks tired.吉姆看起来...