unit 3 i am more outgoing than my sister.
section b
t: hello, boys and girls. my name is maria. nice to meet you.
s: nice to meet you ,mary.
t: i know you are the best students in our school. yes ?
s: yes!!!
t: so you must do the best in this class. do you think so ?
s: yes , we think so .
step2 review the old lesson.
t: i’ll show you a video about tfboys. please talk about why they are popular?
s1: because they are talented in music.
s2: because they are handsome.
s3: because i h**e the same habit as them..
刚刚结束的60周年的阅兵式盛况空前,让人兴奋,而49年开国大典同样是振奋人心的。我将截取的两段**呈现给学生,进而引导学生运用strong, arm, colorful, people等词的比较级对两段**所感受到的差异进行描述。可以说这一环节既让学生复习了比较级,又对学生进行了爱国主义教育。
step3 learn the new knowledge
1. show a picture of the celebration to teach primary and schoolwork.
t: there are many people in the celebration this year. look, who are they?
s: they are some primary school students .
t: follow me “primary”
ss: primary…
t: who can say some sentences with “primary”.
s1:i studied in minzhu primary school last year.
s2:i was happy when i was a primary school student.
s3:my best friend was xiao li when i was in primary school.
t: do you know why they can take part in the celebration?
s: because they’re good students.
t: yes. because they are good at schoolwork.. are you good at schoolwork?
s: yes !
板书:primary, schoolwork.通过一组阅兵式中小学生的**教学primary and schoolwork ,引导学生只有擅长学习才有可能出席一些重大场合。
some pictures of my twin sister holly and me to teach the mew knowledge.
t: there are so many volunteers in the celebration. my twin sister holly was in it too.
look at the two pictures of us . what’s the differences between us ?
s: your sister is thinner than you.
t: your words make me sad . what else?
s: you are more beautiful than your sister.
t: ha ha … your words make me laugh. can you say something with “make”.
s1: good news can make me happy.
s2: good grades make me laugh.
s3: my dog’s death made me cry.
s4: his jokes make me laugh.
板书:make sb. do sth.
/ adj 句型。通过让学生对比谈论我与双胞胎妹妹的形象,对我的赞扬我配以“大笑”;对我的批评配以“哭腔”。生动、幽默地导出了 “make sb.
do/adj” 这一句型。并让学生在此基础上用这两个句型说话。]
t: look these are another two photos of us . though we are twin sisters, we h**e different interests.
i like dancing, and she is better at swimming. i really want to beat her in swimming. do you h**e the same interests?
s: no.
t:i want to beat miss yuan in math. though she’s stronger than me. how about you ?
s1: i want to beat wang zihan in speaking .
s2: i want to beat li chen in singing.
s3: yue chenzu can’t beat me in speaking. because i’m cleverer than her
s4: i think everyone hopes to beat miss yuan in math.
板书:interest and beat sb. in sth.
/doing sth。通过呈现我在跳舞,而妹妹在游泳的两幅**,让学生对比谈论我和妹妹兴趣、爱好的不同,导出 “beat sb. in sth.
/doing sth”这一句型。并号召学生从不同方面向全班同学甚至班科任教师发起挑战,操练这一句型。)
t: though holly and i are twin sisters, we h**e opposite views. follow me,and team by team “opposite views”.
ss: opposite views……
t: i like eating. i think it’s necessary for me to eat.
but she thinks eating can make her fat. what is necessary for you?
s1: it’s necessary for me to sleep.
s2: it’s necessary for me to work hard.
s3: it’s necessary for me to do more sports because i am fat.
s4: it’s necessary for me to learn english.
板书:opposite views和“it’s necessary for me to eat。此环节通过我正在吃烤鱼的**导出妹妹跟我有不同的观点---不要贪吃,那样会胖。
导出opposite views和“it’s necessary for me to eat.”句型。让学生谈论做什么对他们才是最必要的。
step 4 learn about the text.
t: maybe different people h**e different views about things and friends. what’re james’, huang lei’s and mary’s opinions?
let’s go to the text and match the photos and views.
s: read by themselves.
t: h**e you finished?
s1: yes! number 1 is huang lei.
s2:number 2 is mary.
s3:number 3 is james.
t: terrific! let’s stand up and read again.
try to finish the following questions? (james and yuan li h**e any things in common? are the differences between huang lei and larry?
3. what does mary like about her friend?)
人教版八年级上册语文 老王 教学实录。课前准备 上课前一天布置学生预习 一是不解之处 二是精彩之处 三是有误之处。每个同学至少要有一处发现,准备上课发言。教学过程 师 请同学们把书翻到第79页,这幅图中所画的是一位普通的老人。平时我们往往对名人的一言一行非常关注,可在我们的生活中,更多的却是普通人。...
八年级上册《台阶》教学实录 教学
师 同学们都知道,能进入中学语文课本的当代作家很有限,假设这位作家恰好是我们嘉兴人,你会怎么想?生 非常自豪,了不起。师 假设这位作家今天来到到了我们中间,你们相信吗?生 不相信。师 是吗?现在,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎 台阶 作者 李森祥老师的到来。师 课前我们已经自由阅读过课文,现在请同学们回忆一...
八年级上册 背影 教学实录。一 简述教学理念 学生是学习的 主人 课堂的主体,教师是学习活动积极的组织者 引导者和参与者。本节充分发挥学生的主体性,教者积极参与,充分发挥教学民主,对每一名学生的发言给以积极评价,既紧紧结合教材,又适当向生活延伸,注重对学生情感 态度 价值观的培养,引导和调动学生的情...