
发布 2022-12-28 05:10:28 阅读 9030

unit 4 why don’t you talk to your parents?


communicate交流,沟通(动词) →communication (名词)

cloud 云,云朵(名词) →cloudy (形容词)有云的,多云的。

argue争吵,争论(动词) →argument(名词)

compete 竞争(动词) →competition 比赛,竞争(名词)→competitor竞争者。

compare 比较,对比(动词)→ comparison 比较,对比(名词)

development 发展,成长(名词) →develop 发展(动词)

succeed成功,达到(动词) →success 成功(名词)→ successful 成功的。


1. why don’t you + 动词原形+ …why not + 动词原形+ …为什么不…?

2. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 allow doing sth允许做某事。

3. hang out with sb. 与某人闲逛 4. after-school classes课外辅导班

5. get into a fight with sb. =h**e a fight with sb与某人吵架/打架。

6. until midnight直到半夜 study too much学得过多。

7. talk to sb. 与某人交谈(单方面的说话) talk with sb和某人交谈(双方的谈话)

8. h**e free time有空闲时间 9. study too much学得过多。

10. get enough sleep有足够的睡眠 11. write sb. a letter给某人写信。

12. call sb. up打**给某人 13. surprise sb. 令某人惊讶。

14. look through翻看,浏览相当于look over talk about 谈论关于…

15. be angry with sb. 生某人的气 thank sb for +名词/代词/动名词。

16. a big deal重要的事17. work out成功地发展;解决, 改善。

18. get on/along with 和睦相处;关系良好 19. fight a lot经常吵架/打架。

20. be good at + 名词/代词/动名词 “擅长于。be good for 对…有好处。

21. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 take …to 把…带到… hang over笼罩。

22. offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 offer sb sth = offer sth to sb给某人提供某物

23. so that以便,为了 = in order that (后都跟从句,且从句经常用can,could等情态动词)

24. mind doing sth 介意做某事 mind sb/one’s doing sth. 介意某人做某事

25. without +名词/代词/动名词 “在没有…的情况下。

with 与……比较 compare to 把…比作27. make sb. angry使某人生气 28. worry about sth. 担心某事

29. copy one’ s homework 抄袭某人的作业 30. be oneself做自己 to family members 同家人谈谈 32.

spend time alone独自消磨时光 33. give sb. pressure给某人施压 a lot of = lots of 许多。

34. in the future表示在将来 in future 表示from now on 从现在开始。

35. compete with sb. 与某人竞争 36.

free time activities业余活动37. get better grades取得更好的成绩 38. learn exam skills学习应试技巧。

39. give one’ s opinion 提出某人的观点 in one’s opinion依…某人的观点

40. play sports进行体育活动41. cause stress造成压力。

42. cut out删除45. not…any more不再。

46. return = give back to 归还 47. it’s + 形容词 + to do sth 做某事是….

48. explain = make sth clear 解释,说明 explain sth to sb向某人解释…

49. take/h**e after-school classes 上补习课 think for oneself 独立思考。

50. continue doing sth =go on doing sth 继续做某事(前后做同一件事)

continue to do sth = go on to do sth 继续做某事(前后不是同一件事)

51. get into high school 上高中 get into a good university上一所好大学。

so hard 逼得太紧 it’s time for sb to do sth到某人做某事的时间了。

53. each other 彼此,互相 all the time一直相当于 always

54. make a deal with 与…做交易。


1. i studied until mid night last night so i didn’t get enough sleep.


2. why don't you forge t about it? 你为什么不忘掉它呢?

3. although she’s wrong, it’s not a big deal.


4. he should talk to his friend so that he can say he’s sorry.


5. maybe you could go to his house.也许你可以去他家。

6. i guess i could, but i don’t want to surprise him.


7. hope things works out. 希望事情会好起来。




maybe she should say sorry to you.也许她应该跟你说声对不起。


could 用于表示建议时回答通常用can或者can’t


2. why don't you do sth ?=why not do sth? 为什么不。呢?


1)what about doing sth ?=how about doing sth? …怎么样?

2)why don’t you do sth?= why not do sth? 为什么不呢?

3)let’s do sth.让我们一起做某事吧。

4)shall we/i do sth?我们做…好吗?

5)had better do/not do sth 最好做/不做某事。

6) will/would you please do sth 请你做…好吗?

7) would you like to do sth? 你想去做某事吗?

8)would you mind doing sth?你介意做某事吗?

回答】1). 同意对方的建议时,一般用:

◆ good idea./ that’s good idea. 好主意

◆ok/ all right./ great 好/ 行/太好了。

◆ yes, please ./i’d love to 是的/ 我愿意

◆ i agree with you 我同意你的看法。

◆ no problem 没问题。

◆sure/ of course/ certainly 当然可以。

◆yes, i think so 对,我也这样想。


◆ i don’t think so 我认为不是这样

◆sorry, i can’t 对不起,我不能。

◆i’d love to, but

◆ i’m afraid…我愿意,但恐怕……






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