人教版八年级英语下册Unit4 单元知识归纳

发布 2022-12-28 04:52:28 阅读 4907

unit4 单元知识归纳。


too much太多。

get enough sleep有足够的睡眠。

h**e free time to do sth有自由去做某事的时间。

allow sb to do sth允许某人去做某事。

after-school classes课外班。

get into a fight with sb和某人打架或吵架

what’s wrong怎么了。

write sb a letter给某人写信。

call sb up给某人打**。

work out解决出,算出。

why not/don’t you+ do为什么不…

get on with sb与某人相处。

hang over悬挂。

refuse to do sth拒绝去做某件事。

hang out闲逛。

communicate with sb与某人交流。

all the time一直。

mind sb doing sh介意某人做某事。

copy one’s homework抄某人的作业。

just be yourself就是你自己,保持自我。

not…any more不再……

be afraid of害怕。

in front of在……之前。


h**e a fight with sb与某人吵架或打架。

give sb a lot of pressure给某人许多压力。

compete with sb与某人竞争

cut out削减。

compare sb with把某人和谁比较。

push sb so hard逼某人。

典句必背】1 my parents don’t allow me go hang out with my friends.

2 i got into a fight with my best friends.

3 although she is wrong, it’s not a big deal.

答:无色无味,比空气重,不支持燃烧。4 hope things work out.


5 my problem is that i can’t get on with my family.

8、我们把铁钉一半浸在水里,一半暴露在空气中,过几天我们发现铁钉在空气中的部分已经生锈,在水中的部分没有生锈。通过实验,我们得出铁生锈与空气有关。6 when they argue……

7 instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night.

8 why don’t you sit and communicate with your brother?

9 my cousin borrows my things without returning them.

10 my parents give me a lot of pressure about school.

16、在北部天空的小熊座上有著名的北极星,可以借助大熊座比较容易地找到北极星。黑夜可以用北极星辨认方向。11 i don’t get enough sleep.

12 i h**e to compete with my classmates at school.

13 and they are always comparing them with other children.


1. why not/ why don’t you + v.

why not write down our mistake in our notebook.

2. we should (not) +v.

we should always speak english in class.

答:当地球运行到月球和太阳的中间,如果地球挡住了太阳射向月球的光,便发生月食。3. let’s try (not) to+ v.

答:连接北斗七星勺形前端的两颗星,并将连线向勺口方延长约5倍远,处于此位置的那颗星就是北极星。let’s try to speak english as much as possible.

4. it’s a good idea to + v.

4、日常生活中我们应该如何减少垃圾的数量?it’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day.


how about/ what about + v-ing/名词/代词?

5、铁生锈变成了铁锈,这是一种化学变化。水分和氧气是使铁生锈的原因。how about listening to the radio?

答:①可以节约能源;②减少对环境的污染;③降低成本。6. shall we…?

shall we go shopping?


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