
发布 2022-12-26 10:34:28 阅读 5841

unit 10 i ’ve had this bike for three years. 时间:2014.6.23 总第64 课时主备人:王素君。


back sweet memories勾起甜美的回忆。 2. in need 需要

with great interest 以极大的兴趣关注着。

4. so far 迄今;到现在为止(现在完成时态的标志)

5. not.. anymore o more ot---any longer\ no longer不再 out 察看;观察7. clear out 清理。

8. part with certain toys 与某些玩具分开9. to be honest 说实在的。

10. h**e a yard sale 进行庭院拍卖会11. give away 捐赠12. play for a while 玩一会儿。

13. do with...处置;处理 14. search for work 找工作15. for the last 13 years 在过去的13年里。

16. the mid-20th century 20世纪中期17. stay the same 保持原状18. according to 依据;按照。

19. in one’s opinion 依……看20. in my time 在我那个年代21check out… 看看… 查看…

for me就我来说 be honest老实说,说实在的。

a happy childhood如此幸福的童年。

25a big old tree opposite the school=a big old tree across from the school学校对面的一棵大古树。

把…看成… a symbol of the place这个地方的显著象征。

past 13 years=the last 13 years过去的13年

28. a couple of months 几个月 order to 为了


can also give old things away to people in need 你可以把旧东西捐给需要的人。

long h**e you had that bike over there? 那边的那辆自行车你买了多久了?

how long出现用完成时态)

i’ve had it for three years= i’ve had it since three years ago.


3. some people still live in their hometown. however, others may only see it once or twice a year.

有些人仍然住在家乡。然而,另一些人可能一年只能回家乡一两次。some… others...

4. what would you do with the money you raise?


5she has had it since i was a baby.自从我是婴儿时就一直拥用它。

long has his son owned the train and railway set?他的儿子拥有这套及轨道(玩具)多久了?

owned it since his fourth birthday= he’s owned it since he was four years old.


they get bigger, our house seems to get smaller.随着他们的长大,我们的房子看起来变小了。

h**e decided to each sell five things that we no longer use.


people like zhong wei regard with great interest how their hometowns h**e changed.

people like zhongwei are interested in how their hometown are changing.


mom’s had it for a long time but it still works.


daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad to part with certain toys.


these is zhong wei, a 46-year-old husband and father.这些人中就有钟伟,一个46岁的丈夫与父亲。(among三者以上的之间)

a hard job in a crayon factory, he doesn’t find much time to visit his hometown.由于蜡笔厂的艰辛工作,他没有找到多少时间回到他的家乡。(with 结构表原因)

used to return home at least once a year, but i h**en’t been back for almost three years now.我曾经至少每看回一次家,但是现在,我几乎已三年没回过家了。

hometown has left many soft and sweet memories in our hearts.


17. his hometown is still the place that holds all his childhood memories.但他也认为有些东西永不会变,他的家乡依然是那个留着他所有童年记忆的地方。

(hold 保留)

18. it has been around for at least 20years. 它存在至少已经20年了。

around 出现,现有,在周围,大约。

19. i h**e been back twice since moving to china.

自从我搬到中国,我已经回去两次了。(since doing)

单选。 ) 1. although i was born in australian, ichina for thirty years.

a. liveb. lived lived in lived in

) 2people died in the war. and many children h**e become homeless.

thousands of thousands of thousand of

)3.—where is your father?

heaustralia and hesydney for two weeks.

a. has been to; has been in b. has gone to ; has been in

c. has been in; has been to d. has gone to ; has been to

)4. cartoons are veryso i am veryin them.

a. interested; interestingb. interesting; interested

c. interested; interestedd. interesting; interesting

)5. i thinkshould not be allowed to drive.

a. sixteen years oldb. sixteen-year-old

c. sixteen-year-oldsd. six years-olds

)6. they didn't go to bedthe work was finished.

a. when b. while c. until d. after

) 7. samcoins since he was eleven years old, and now he has hundreds of them.

a. collects b. collected c. has collected d. had collected

) 8. they are singing tomoney for poor children in rural areas.

a. bring b. take c. raise d. collect

) 9. —is james at homeno, heya'an to be a volunteer.


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