
发布 2022-12-25 01:09:28 阅读 9032

2024年八年级下册英语unit 1复习提纲。

useful expressions

1. make predictions做**2. free time空闲时间。

3. fly rockets to the moon乘飞船飞往月球4. on a space station在太空站上。

5. study at home on computers呆在家里通过电脑学习。

6. live to be 200 years old活到200岁。

7. fall/be in love with sth./ sb.爱上某物/某人8. keep pets养宠物9. be able to能够。

10. predict the future**未来11. come true实现。

12. see sb. do sth.

看见sb.做某事(的全过程)doing sth.看见sb.

正在做某事(片断)13. help sb. with sth.

帮助某人做某事14. hundreds of数以百计的。

15. try to do sth.尽力做某事16. look smart看上去聪明17. look for寻找。

18. twenty years from now从现在算起20年from now on = in the future今后。

19. do the same things as us我们做同样的事情20. live alone一个人住key points1.

do you think ?i think (that).i don’t think (that).

2. study at home on computer辨析:on,in和with.


eg. i don’t want to talk about it on the you speak it in english?don’t write it with a red pen.

3. will people use money in 100 years?in+时间结构常与一般将来时连用,对其进行提问时用特殊疑问词how soon.

4. beforeago与过去时连用。

sb.)to do sth. 对某人而言做某事是。

grammar focus

1. the ****** future tense一般将来时的三种基本结构:

will +v. he will wear a uniform to school nextthursday.

be going to +v. he’s going to wear a uniformto school next thursday.




less pollution/ time更少的污染/时间fewer people/apartments更少的人/公寓more pollution更多的污染more tall buildings更多的高楼。


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