
发布 2022-12-24 00:04:28 阅读 5580

一. 根据汉语提示写单词。

1. he asked me not to tell (任何人)about his life in china.

2. (大多数)of the students like friday.

3. many students use the (互联网)every week.

4. around china is my f**orite (节目)

5. i practice the piano (一次)a week.

6. my mom has lots of家务活)to do every day.

7. mary is工作努力的).she is never late for work.

8. (哪一个)boy is your brother?

9. the player in black (赢)the football game yesterday.

10. can you (摸到)the top of the door?

11. my uncle has two (孩子),a son and a daughter.

12. bob dreams of being a (记者)when he grows up.

13. she goes to the (戏院)twice a week.

14. my son shows a (天赋)in music.

15. he won first (奖)in the english writing competition.

16. computer play an important (角色)in people’s life today.

17. his mother (给)a nice gift to him two days ago.

18. i don’t like watching the (新闻).

19. i (预料)i will arrive in wuhan on sunday.

20. the boy (站立)under the tree and said nothing.

二. 汉译英。

1. 电影11.消息

2. 普通的12.分享

3. 文明13.关心

4. 出现14.爱交际的。

5. 原因15.较好的

6. 笑话16.比赛

7. 便宜的17.两个都

8. 最差的18.死亡

9. 票19.结果

10. 座位20.决定

三. 翻译词组。

1. 去海滩 day

2. 乘火车 show

3. 玩得开心 a good job

4. 在过去 out

5. 垃圾食品 the world

6. 一周三次 fact

7. 去购物 true

8. 几乎从不 example

9. 靠近家 far

10. 各种各样的 online

四. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

(like)drawing. i don’t think it is interesting at all.

i don’t h**e time to help you, you h**e to do it (you)

can see an old museum between the two tall (build).

do you usually (do) on weekends?

can’t go out now. i h**e to (finish) my homework first.

hardly ever (exercise) so he is not very healthy now.

often goes (shop) with her mother on sunday.

is (talent).she can sing, dance and paint very well.

9. i (true) think that you should study harder.

wants to get good (grade)

you know the english (say):practice makes perfect?

12. we are planninggo)to beijing on vacation next week.

13. this car is (new) than that one.

decided (work) hard at school.

15. my aunt is a greatwrite)

very sorry, i (break) your glasses just now.

h**e adiscuss) about this question .

program is very (education) and many people like it.

(serious) thinking about moving to america.

su is the (poor) of all the teachers .








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