
发布 2022-12-23 22:49:28 阅读 8414

unit 5 改错练习。

1. do you want watch a game show?

知识小结:2. do you mind watch talk show?

知识小结:3. i can’t stand listen loud music.

知识小结:4. let’s to watch a news.

知识小结。5. -what do you think sitcom? -i love it.

知识小结。6. we can learn some great joke comedy.

知识小结。7. she plan watch days of our past.

知识小结。8. they hope find what’s go on around the world.

知识小结。9. we had a discuss about tv programs.

知识小结。10. i like to follow the story and see what happen next.

知识小结。11. what happened him yesterday?

知识小结。12. you can expect learn a lot from a lot from them.

知识小结。13. i hope to a reporter one day.

知识小结。14. i like to watch action movie because they’re excited.

知识小结。15. when people say“culture”,we think are and history.

知识小结。16. mickey mouse is a symbol america.

知识小结。17. this cartoon come up in new year.

知识小结。18. he become rich and success in the 1930.

知识小结。19. one of the main reason is that he is always ready help others.

知识小结。20. although he was a common man, but he try to face some dangerous.

知识小结。21. mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as lose his house.

知识小结。22. he tries him best to study english good.

知识小结。23. people went to the cinema to see the “little man” to win.

知识小结。24. he was the first student come to the classroom last monday.

知识小结。25. today cartoon are usually not ****** as little mickey mouse.

知识小结。26. everyone know and love him.

知识小结。27. mulan is a exciting action movie.

知识小结。28. she takes her father place to fight in the army.

知识小结。29. she dress up like a boy.

知识小结。30. you can see enjoyable something.

知识小结。unit 4 改错练习。

part 1

1. what’s best movie theater?

知识小结:2.it has the biggest screens.

知识小结:2. it has the best comfortable seats.

知识小结:3. town cinema is the closest my home in the three cinemas.

知识小结:4. movie world is the most popular of our town.

知识小结:part 2

5. you can buy clothes the most cheap there.

知识小结:6. the djs chose songs the most careful every day.

知识小结:7. i’m a reporter. can i ask you any questions.

知识小结:8. welcome in the neighborhood.

知识小结:9. what do you like it so far?

知识小结:10. thanks for tell me.

知识小结:11. you can buy tickets about the movies the most quick there.

知识小结:12. it’s worst than blue moon.

知识小结:13. how long is it from your home? 10 minutes by bus.

知识小结:part 3

14. everyone do well in something, but some people are true talent.

知识小结:15. it’s also interested to watch other people to show their talent.

知识小结:16. talent shows are get more and most popular.

知识小结:17. he is one of the famous singer in china.

知识小结:18. the hard you study, the good grades you will get.

知识小结:19. yellow river is the second longer river in china.

知识小结:20. all these shows h**e one thing on common.

知识小结:21. all kind of peoples join these shows.

知识小结:22. they try to look out the most talented performers.

知识小结:23. who can play the piano the best or sing the most beautiful?

知识小结:24. that’s up of you about decide.

知识小结:25. they play a role in decide the winer.

知识小结:26. not everyone enjoys watch these shows.

知识小结:27. some think that the life of the performers are make up.

知识小结:28. if you don’t take these show too serious, they are fun to watch.

知识小结。29. they give people a way to make them dreams to come true.

知识小结:30. greenwood park is the best place go to on weekends.

unit 3 改错。

part 1

1. i’m outgoing than my sister.

知识小结:2. sam’s hair is longer than tom.

知识小结:3. she sings loudly than tara.

知识小结:4. do you like the sing competition yesterday?

知识小结:5. lisa sing better than nelly last week.

知识小结:6. the most important thing is learn something new and h**e fun.

知识小结:7. who is work harder in class, lily or lucy?

知识小结:8. who singer well, your mother or your father ?

知识小结:9. i study harder than i was two years ago.

知识小结:10. tina thinks she is hard work than me.

知识小结:part 2

11. my good friend should be talented about music.

知识小结:12. he like do the same thing like me.

知识小结:13. my good friend true care about me.

知识小结:14. a good friend should make me laughing.

知识小结:15. the girl made her mother happily.

知识小结:16. tom is a good listen for his friends.

知识小结:17. i’m quieter and seriouser than most kids.

知识小结:18. my best friend is quiet too, so we enjoy study together.

知识小结:19. i’m shy so it’s not so easy for me make friend.

知识小结:20. but i think friends are like books——you don’t need a lot of they as long so they’re good.

知识小结:21. it’s not necessary be the same.

知识小结:22. larry often help to bring out the best in me.

知识小结:23. i’m get better at tennis.

知识小结:24. i always get better grades than he do, so maybe i should help him more.

知识小结:25. my f**orite say is “ a true friend reach for your hand and touch your heart.”


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