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八年英语上册unit11---12 重点梳理。

unit 11 短语。

1. sweep the floor 扫地,清洁地面

2. fold one’s clothes 叠衣服。

3. clean the living room 打扫起居室。

4. invite… to… 邀请……到。

5. take care of = look after 照顾

6. forget to do sth. 忘记要去干。

forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事 (类似的词remember,regret,stop,go on等。

7. go on vacation 去度假。

8. go to a meeting 去参加会议。

9. stay out late 在外面呆到很晚(stay up late)

10. do chores = do the housework 做家务。

11. borrow ..from ..从……借来…… lend …to….把……借给……

12. feed sth. 饲养…… 喂养……

13. take ..for a walk 带……去散步。

14. get angry (with sb. )生某人的气。

unit 11 句型。

1. could you please take out the trash? 请把垃圾拿出去好吗?

3. i hate doing (to do) chores. 我讨厌做家务。

are a few other things i want you to do before the party .


6. thanks for taking care of my dog.谢谢你照看我的狗。

7. i'm going to work on my english project and then meet my friends. 我要做英语功课,然后见我的朋友。


1 close to / near home 离家近。

2. do a survey of 做一个…..调查。

3. play a piano piece 弹一支钢琴曲。

4. the price of ……的**。

5. friendly service 友好的服务

6. in town 在城镇 in the city 在城市里 in the country 在农村。

7. in southern china = in the south of china 在中国的南方。

8. cut the price 降价。

9. the prize for ..奖。


1 what’s the best radio station? 最好的无线电台是哪家?

2. the prize for the funniest act went to steve and his dog.最佳滑稽奖给了steve 和他的狗。

3 it doesn’t often rain or snow. 这不经常下雨,下雪。

4 sanya is in hainan province in southern china. 三亚在中国南部的海南省。

短文填空。1 thanks for照顾)my dog. could you please __these thingstake himgive him water and __him.

then __his bowl. play __him. don’this bed.

h**e funyou next week.

2 what do young people考虑) places in town? we did a survey __our readers and this is __we learned. all the movie theaters are good, _the screen city is the best in our town.

it has __biggest screens and the __comfortable seats. however, town cinema is the cheapest, and it has the最友好的) service. the most popular clothing store is jason’s.

it has the best quality clothing. it’s also the cheapest. funky fashions is the worst.

it __h**e) really bad service至于) radio stations, most people think that jazz 107.9 fm is really great. it __**) the most interesting music.

3 hi kids! i’m guo qiang from class 6you know(正如), it’s world animal day, and we’re asking you to tell us your opinions about different animals.

i think the camel is the most unusual animal. it hardly ever needs to drink water. that’s interesting, don’t you think?

rats are the最丑). i __like them一点也不). and i like cows, because they’re最美味)!

i love beef hamburgers! ha ha! i’m joking.

serious), though, i think hens are one of the most usefulanimal). why? because they can下蛋).

what do you think? what are your f**ourite animals and why? come and tell us the radio!

完成句子。1 蔬菜使我的身体更健康,更强壮。make+n+adj

2 当我度假的时候,你能照顾我的猫么?

3 他是世界上最伟大的艺术家之一。


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