
发布 2022-12-18 15:37:28 阅读 3721

1, 本单元的时态重点:

1).主语 + be + 动词-ing


eg:我们在上英语课。we are h**ing english class.

2) 主语 + be + 动词-ing


我明天要去购物。i’m going shopping tomorrow.

我们下周去看望老师。we’re visiting our teacher next week.


现在进行时 now at the moment look! listen! it’s seven o’clock.

一般将来时 next week this weekend tomorrow

2, ask sb. questions (about sth.)问某人有关某事。


i want to ask him questions about his parents.

3,天气如何?how’s the weather? =what’s the weather like?

4 something/anything+形容词。

something new 新的事。

something good 好的事。

something different 不同的事。

something important 重要的事。

something interesting 有趣的事。

5, send sb. sth. =send sth. to sb. 把某物寄给某人

show sb. sth. =show sth. to 把某物给某人看

6,go +doing :某种活动。

去游泳go swimming

去购物 go shopping

去踩滑板 go skateboarding

去钓鱼go fishing

去野营go camping

去远足go hiking ( hike去e )

去骑单车go bike riding ( ride 去e )

去观光 go sightseeing

7,在家休息relax at home

离开go away

回到get back (to)

照顾小孩babysit the kids

租碟rent videos

散步take walks

和某人共度时光 spend time with sb.

8,你假期打算做什么?what are you doing for vacation?

你打算去那儿度假?where are you going for vacation?

她打算什么时候去? when is she going?

他们打算和谁一起去?who are they going with?

她准备怎样去? how is she going?

9,take a vacation 度假。

take a long vacation 度长假。

10, think about (doing sth.) 考虑做……;think of 认为。

eg: 他正在考虑一个数学题。 he is thinking about a math problem.

你认为这部电影怎样? what do you think of the movie?

11. decide on sth 决定了某事。

decide to do sth 决定做某事。

eg:1,他决定了去长白山。 he decided on mount changbai.

2,你决定在哪吃午饭? where do you decide to h**e lunch?

12 . plan to do sth 计划做某事。

eg: 我们正打算下周去远足。 we are planning to go hiking next week.

13. 去散步take walks= go for a walk. =h**e a walk.

14, forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事(实际未做)

forget doing sth. 忘记做了某事(实际已经做了)

eg:我忘记了做作业。i forget to do my homework.

我忘了给过你一百块钱了。i forgot giving you 100 yuan.

15,. all my problems 我的所有问题。

16,. can’t wait (to do sth) 迫不及待做某事。


the children can’t wait to go skateboarding.

17. le**e 离开。

le**e for… 启程去… ;动身去…

eg:我动身去上海:i le**e for shanghai.

我离开上海:i le**e shanghai.

18. not…until 直到…才…

车未停稳, 切勿下车。 (直到车停了才能下车。)

you mustn’t get off the bus until it stops.

19, finish doing sth 完成做某事。

20,make my last movie 拍完我上一部电影。

21,need to do sth 需要做某事。

22,ask sb about sth 问某人关于某事。

ask sb to do sth 叫某人做某事。

23,a good place to do sth. 是…的好地方。

eg:这公园是散步的好地方。the park is a good place to take walks.

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