
发布 2022-12-18 14:50:28 阅读 5519

unit 1 where did you go on vacation?教案。

知识点一:--did you go to guizhou with __

---yes, i went there with my family.

a. someone b. anyone c. everyone d. no one



用something, anything, nothing, everything 填空。

--is thereon my nose?

--yes, there ison your nose. it’s a fly!


you can ask me anything you want to know.

知识点二:--did you see __in your class? -no, i know all of them.

a. someone new b. new someone c. anyone new d. new anyone


--come here, i’ll tell you something interesting.

--did you buy anything special?

--yes, i bought a pet spider.

知识点三:imy uncle on vacation. 我在假期去看望了叔叔。

i visit my grandparents once a week. 我每周都去爷爷奶奶一次。

do you want to visit london? 你想到伦敦吗?

visitor:these visitors come from america.

知识点四:imy parents, but nothing for myself.


父亲节:father’s day (6月的第三个星期日) ion father’s day.


it was wonderful! we took quite a few photos there.


fewa few

quite a few

知识点五:quite a few与quite a little

he will stay here fordays.

there iswater in the glass.

tom feels very lonely, because he has __friends.

a. a fewb. fewc. quite a few d. quite a little

知识点六:---well, it was my first time there, so everything was really interesting.

a. how did you like it b. how’s the weather c. how are you d. how do you do

--how do you like the movie “the croods”(疯狂原始人)?

i especially like the father.

a. i don’t like it at allb. yes, i h**e seen it twice

c. it’s funny and educationald. i h**en’t seen it yet

how do you like…?用来询问对方的观点或看法,相当于。

what do you think of …?或how do you feel about…?

how do you like your new job?

your new job?

your new job?

知识点七:it was sunny and hot, so weto go to the beach near our hotel.


theythe museum. 他们决定去参观博物馆。

decide 后常跟“疑问词+动词不定式”做宾语。

he can’t decide whenle**e)


知识点八:my sister and iparagliding. 姐姐和我尝试了滑翔伞运动。

辨析try doing sth. 与try to do sth.

the child tried using the chopsticks at lunch.

the workers are trying to mend the machine.

ihim, but no one answered.


i’menglish well.


知识点九:ii was a bird. it was so exciting!



知识点十:because/because of

andthe bad weather, we couldn’t see anything below.

the food tasted greati was so hungry!

we were wet and coldwe forgot to bring an umbrella.

辨析 because与because of

he lost his job because of his carelessness.

i didn’t buy the t-shirt because it was too expensive.

i came back notthe rain, buti was tired.

a. because; because b. because of; because of c.

because; because of d. because of; because


my legs werei wanted to stop.


she was playing tennis with her friend so happily that she nearly forgot the time.

he is __lovely a boy __we love him very much.

a. very, thatb. too, to

c. as, asd. so , that

the little girl is so young that she can’t go to school.


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