uinitone 人教版八年级英语上册

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unit one how often do you exercise?

一。 重难点。

1. 频度副词。

a. 定义:表示次数、频率的副词称之为频度副词。

常见的频度副词有:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, hardly, never, once, twice, three times a week等。

b. 位置:a. 放在系动词、助动词、或情态动词之后。如:he has never been to england.

b. 放在行为动词前。如:tom often goes to school by bike.

c. 有些频度副词可以放在句尾或句首。如:she takes exercise twice a week.

c. 用法:

a. 频度副词所表示的频率由大到小一次为:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, hardly ever, never.

b. 频度副词通常与一般现在时进行连用,表示在特定时间内某动作发生或状态出现次数的多少。

d. 对频度副词的提问:通常用how often, 意思为“多久一次”。

同时要辨析how often, how long(多长时间), how soon(多久之后), how far(多远).

how often do you play basketball?

how long has she been studying?

how soon will your father will come back?

how far is it from school to your home?

例1do you h**e a class meeting?

---once a week.

a. how soon b. how farc. how often d. how long

2. 一般现在时。

a. 构成:主语为第三人称单数或者相当于第三人称单数时,谓语动词也要变为三单形式;其它情况统统用动词原形。

b. 基本用法:

a. 经常性或习惯性的动作,常与这样的时间状语进行连用:always, often, usually, sometimes等。

如: he often gets up at 7:00 every day.

b. 表示主语现在的特征、性格、能力等。如:tom is very tall, and he likes music.

c. 表示客观真理或客观事实。如:the earth moves around the sun.

例2:yesterday the teacher told us that lighttr**el) faster than sound.

二、 重要词组。

go to the movies去看电影look after = take care of照顾。

surf the internet上网healthy lifestyle健康的生活方式。

go skate boarding去滑板keep healthy=stay healthy保持健康。

exercise=take(much)exercise=do sports锻炼 eating habits饮食习惯。

take more exercise做更多的运动 the same as与什么相同。

be different from不同once a month一月一次。

twice a week一周两次make a difference to对什么有影响。

how often多久一次although = though虽然。

most of the students=most students shop=go shopping=do some shopping购物。

as for至于activity survey活动调查。

do homework做家庭作业 do housework做家务事。

eat less meat吃更少的肉junk food垃圾食物。

be good for对什么有益be bad for对什么有害。

want to do sth想做某事want sb to do sth想某人做某事。

try to do sth尽量做某事come home from school放学回家。

of course = certainly = sure当然 get good grades取得好成绩。

some advice一些建议 hardly=not nearly / almost not几乎不。

keep/be in good health保持健康be stressed out紧张的,有压力的。

take a vacation去度假get back回来。

三。 课堂练习。

a. 语音填空。


4./s:f5./ pruɡrm6./ ri'zlt

7./ ktiv8./ dk9./ tip

10./ tklt11./ drik12./ hel

13./ intvju14./ hbit15./ laifstail

16./ difrns17./ n'helθi18./ l'u

b. 词语回顾。

1. 在周末2. 照顾。

3. 至于4. 上网。

5. 虽然6. 回来。

7. 去滑板8. 去度假。

9. 一周一次10. 垃圾食品。

11. 健康生活方式12. 保持健康。

13. 吃更少的肉14. 取得好成绩。

15. 对…有利16. 对…有害。

17. 饮食习惯18. 与…不同。

19. 一些建议20. 活动调查。

21. 尽量做某事22. 想做某事。

23. 想要做某事24. 与…相同。

25. 放学回家26. 几乎不。

27. 多久一次28. 当然。

29. 做家务事30. 活动调查。

c. 首字母填空。

1. we should do eevery morning to keep healthy.

2. the little boy can h___write his name. he is too young.

3. i like this movie very much. i h**e seen it t___

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