
发布 2022-12-16 11:13:28 阅读 3790

unit 6 练习题。

一 、重点词汇拓展。






二 、重点词组识记。

1. your last letter

2. 正如你所看到的。

3. in some ways

4. 看起来一样。

5. look different

6. 超出。

7. make sb do sth



10. most of the kids

三 、重点句型体验


1. sam is thin. jim is fat.(用比较级合并)

2. i like watching tv. he likes watching tv, too.(合并)

3. he has shorter hair than sam.(一般疑问句)

4. i think this book is not as interesting as that one.(同义句)(用more than)

5. this yellow coat is cheaper than that blue one. (同义句)(用more than)


1. my friend is very

a. smarterb. smartc. more smarter d. more smart

2. he is more interested in english than his brother.

a. littleb. a lotc. mored. very

3. my parents quite athletic.

a. both areb. are both c. are alld. all are

4. i like ****** friends, i am a little quiet.

a. butb. although c. sod. however


1. who ishe**y), wang lin or lin tao?

2. mr green isserious) than mr brown.

3. the sun isbig) than the earth.

4. unit 4 isdifficult) than unit 5.

5. my mother isyoung) than your mother is.


1. 他多长时间拜访祖父母一次?他每月拜访祖父母3到4次。

howdoes he visit his grand parents?

hehis grandparentsora month.

2. 我姐姐和我一样。我们都很外向。

my sister is theme. we are both

3. 我们应该每天打扫教室。

we shouldourevery day.

4. 小明擅长游泳.

xiao ming is

5. 你看上去和你的妹妹长得一样.你们是双胞胎吗?

you and your sisterare you twins?

语法练习。1. my sister is __more outgoing than me.

a. moreb. mostc. a littled. little

2. li ming and lin tao __black eyes.

a. hasb. h**e both c. both h**e d. both has

3. john is __than peter.

a. funnierb. func. funny d. more funny

4. i __a primary school student two years ago.

a. amb. wasc. bed. were

5. he likes to do the same things __me.

a. inb. onc. like d. as

6. he plays baseball __he is __at sports

a. well, well b. good, good c. well, good d. good, well

7 __they look different, they h**e some similarities.

a. butb. asc. although d. when

8. i’m a little __than my brother,a. tallb. tallerc. the talld. the taller

9. he was too tired,so he __

a. stopped resting b. stopped to rest c. stopped to work d. stops working

10. —how do you feel today, ted?

i feel __better today, thank you.

a. moreb. littlec. a fewd. a little

1. _of the two man, who is your father?

of them is my father.

a. neitherb. bothc. noned. either

中考链接。1. li lei’s parents __doctors.(烟台2007)

a. are allb. are bothc. all ared. both are

2. an elephant is __than a tiger.(德州2008)

a. he**yb. very he**y c. the he**iest d. he**ier

3. he is not as __as his younger brother.(临沂2008)

a. strongb. strongerc. strongestd. the strongest

4. usually xiao li spends __time doing homework than xiao chen does.(江苏2008)

a. littleb. lessc. fewd. fewer

5. which do you like __apples or oranges?(徐州2007)

a. bestb. goodc. welld. better

section b

一 、词语检测。

1. tom is strong and healthy. he is a

2. the was poor, he was very happy.

3. his jokes make us all lloudly.

4. the museum is oto the cinema.

5. although there are some dbetween the twins, it is still difficult to find out who is the elder sister.

二 、短语互译。

1. a photo of lucy

2. look the same

3. 看起来不一样。


第二课时 section a 3a 4c 学习目标 1.通过阅读这封信,我们学会遇到问题要主动地去和家人,朋友,同学交流。2.学习文章 现的重点单词,词组和句型。3.培养学生的阅读能力。学习重难点 1.遇到问题要主动地去和家人,朋友,同学交流。2.掌握文 现的重点单词,词组和句型。温故检测 s1 y...

八年级英语 上 unite

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