八年级上册期中考试练习题 1

发布 2022-12-16 11:10:28 阅读 1672



take charge of 主管 vote for 投票赞成 take notes 记录be responsible for 负责 hold a meeting 举行会议 decide to 决定。

talk over 详谈。

句子。1. 我们将要学习哪个单元呢? which sections will we h**e?

2. 谢谢你的意见。 thanks for your opinions

3. 如果可能的话,我要。。 if possible, i’d like…

4. 你们好好讨论一下。 talk it over among yourselves.

5. 我们安排一周以后开下一次会议。 we arranged to h**e the next meeting in one week’s time.

6. 了解读者的观点很重要。 it’s important to know your reader’s opinion.

7. 我想就女子乒乓球的是采访你。 i’d like to interview you about the girl’s table tennis team.

语法。情态动词should 和ought to的用法。


break into 强行进入 go to jail 进监狱 behind bars 坐牢

go in 进入室内 refuse to do something 拒绝做某事

bump into someone/something 碰撞到某人某物。

take away 带走 get away 逃离 in addition to 除。。。以外(还)

句子。1. 为什么你喜欢侦探的工作呢? why do you like working as a detective?

2. 我希望保护无辜的人并且找出真凶。 i hope to protect the innocent as well as find the guilty

3. 他们都否认偷了花瓶,但是我注意到jill戴着一条黑色的珍珠项链。 they both denied stealing the vase, but i noticed jill wearing a black peal necklace.

4. 他承认是他偷了自己的花瓶。 he admitted stealing his own vase.

5. 他想让jill代替自己进监狱。 he wanted to make jill go to jail instead of himself.

6. 它是如此有趣以致我忘记了时间。it was so interesting that i forgot the time.



be unaware of 没有意识到 be dependent on 依靠 h**e a great understand of 对。。。有很深的了解 make mistakes 犯错 link together 把。。。连接起来。

句子。1. 它还能做其他什么事?what else can it do?

2. 恩,你知道么。。。well ,do you know ….

3. 那不是很实用。that’s not very useful.

4. 对这些人来说,不犯错误是最根本的。it is essential for these people not to make mistakes.

5. 换句话说。in other words.



1. it is polite __you to say hello to people.

a. for b. by c. of d. with

2. the concert, _a play, will be on at 7pm on tuesday night.

a. includes b. including c included d include

3. the teacher __us going over the book in time so that we can h**e a good control.

a. asks b considers c. makes

4. after a lot of __the young secretary has got plenty of __

a. experiences/experience b. experiences/experiences

c. experience/ experiences d. experience/experience

5. although he was __he didn’t feel___because he had many friends.

a alone; alone b .lonely; lonely;

c alone; lonely d. lonely; alone;

6. when i came into the room, i noticed her __in the sofa watching tv.

a. sitting b. sit c. sat d. sits

7. in this place putting up one’s hand means___

a. to say hello to you b. say hello to you

c. saying hello to you. .d. that says hello to you

8. we invited john to take part in the party. he agreed __but refused___

a. to come/to drink wine b. coming/ drinking wine

c. to come/to drinking wine d. coming/to drink wine

9. he failed in the exam, but he __happy not to let others know it.

a. seemed b. looked c same as d known of

10. when i looked his *****, i found his answer was __mine.

a. same like b. the same like

c. same as d. the same as

11. there are many hidden computers in your home, but you might be __

a. a ware of of c. know about d. know of

12. this robot can do washing. _can it do?

a. what other else another

13. tom had an accident, and the doctor __his injured leg.

a. operated on c. operated for d. operated with

14. this new kind of cd can __twice more information than the old one.

a. hold b. h**e c type

15 .so far many fields of life __computers.

a. depend dependant on

c. h**e been dependant on on


one day a seeing-eye dog and a blind man got on a bus together. the bus was full (1) people and there were (2) seat for them. seeing them, a young woman soon got up and (3) her seat.

the (4) took the blind man to the seat, (5) there was very little he (6) to push the people on (7) side with his nose. he pushed and pushed until the people (8) and finally there was enough (9) for two people. the blind man then sat down and the dog (10) up on the seat at his side.

he (11) down and put his head on the (12) of the blind man. he seemed very (13) and in no time fell (14).everyone on the bus had to (15) at the dog.


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