初中八年级英语上册第八单元 3a 4

发布 2022-12-16 08:21:28 阅读 3539

unit8 how do you make a banana milk shake ? period five导学案。

学习目标】1. 复习本单元内容。

2. 学会谈论中国传统食物及家乡小吃。

3. 学会写烹饪菜谱。





temperature, serve, one by one, need to do

. 翻译。1. 做这道食物,你需要米粉。

2. 烹饪五分钟后加两个鸡蛋。

3. 需要糖还是蜂蜜。






祈使句,祈使句,请求命令或建议; 主语是you常省去,动词原形开头住;




3.若要客气一些,如何改变“cut up the potatoes.”这个祈使句?有多少种改法?请将你所改写的客气的祈使句写到下列横线上。

二、“let”型祈使句。基本结构:let + sb.

(not) +动词原形 + 其他。意为“让某人(不要)做某事”,let us 通常缩写成let’s。根据let型祈使句,完成下列问题。

mehelp) you carry the he**y box.(用所给词的正确形式填空)

those students不要打篮球)here. it’s dangerous.

三、“no + 动词-ing”型、“no + 名词”型、“why don’t you/why not + 动词原形 + 其他”型。

parking here.(这里不准停车) no smoking .(不准抽烟)

wet umbrellas.(不得带湿的雨伞进入) no schoolbags.(不得带书包进入) no photos(禁止拍照)

not go skateboarding?(干嘛不去踩滑板) why don’t you h**e a rest?(干嘛不休息一下)

巩固练习。on the popcorn popper.(变为否定句)

on the popcorn popper.

some banana milk shake for me.(将please放入句中使句子感觉更有礼貌)

smoke in the classroom any more.(肯定回答) no,i

talk. it’s time for class.(变为同义句。

noit’s time for class.

not come to school early?(变为同义句)

come to school early?

need two teaspoons of honey .(对划线部分提问)

do you need?


activity writing

super chicken sandwich

first, _the butter __a slice __bread. thenan onionand a tomato. _these __the bread.

next, _some lettuce and the chicken slices __the bread. _the relish __the chicken, finally, _another slice __bread

二。 句型转换。

need two eggs to make this bread.(对划线部分提问)

do we need?

jeans are 40 dollars. (同上)

dollars are these jeans?

eats lots of meat for his lunch. (同上)

meat does he eat for his lunch?

is some coffee in my glass.(变为否定句)

therecoffee in my glass.

baby is sleeping, pleasethe music.


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