
发布 2022-12-13 08:04:28 阅读 8430







一) 听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的**。每个句子读两遍。

abc de(涂abf(涂cd)

二) 录音中有五组对话和五个问题,根据你所听到的对话内容和相关问题,选择最佳答案。对话和问题读两遍。

6. a. she is reading sleeping beauty. b. she is reading journey to the west.

c. she is reading cinderella.

7. a. they are talking about the nile. b. they are talking about the great wall

c. they are talking about the sahara.

8. a. since six years agob. for seven yearsc. seven years ago.

9. a. yes, he hasb. no, he hasn’tc. no, he doesn’t.

10. a. his grandpab. his grandparentsc. his grandma.

(三) 录音中有一个对话,根据你所听到的对话内容判断下列句子正误,正确的用“a”表示,不正确的用“b”表示。对话读两遍。

11. steve has decided to write about little women for english class.

12. amy chose treasure island for english class.

13. treasure island is about four sisters growing up.

14. amy has read the back of the book to see what it’s about.

15. the book report is due in two days.

请考生们翻到第ii卷,先找到第四大题的a) 部分。你们将有5秒钟的准备时间。



16. —what’s the matter with tom

a. he is writing lettersb. he has a bad cold

c. he has long curly haird. he should lie down and rest

17. shein the big city, but now shein the small town with her children.

a. used to live;is used to living b. used to living;is used to living

c. used to live;is used to live d. used to living;is used to live

18. —where is your father? —he australia and he sydney for two weeks.

a. has been to;has been inb. has gone to;has been in

c. has been in;has been tod. has gone to;has been to

19. ―what a nice bike! how long __you __it? ―for only 2 weeks.

a. did; buy b. h**e; bought c. h**e; had d. were; h**ing

20. we h**e two rooms but i can’t decide .

a. to live; choose which one b. lived; choose which one

c. to live in; which one to choose d. live; which one

21. ―what were you doing when the light went off?

i___with my sister on the phone.

a. talkb. talkedc. am talking d. was talking

22. —the old man __all his money to a charity. —he is really great!

a. took away b. put away c. went away d. g**e away

23. _i’m feeling down, my friends will cheer me up.

a. whenever b. wherever c. however d. whatever

24. mary hasn’t quite been recently.

a. hers b. itself c. her d. herself

25. why don’t you an english club to practice english?

a. to join;to speak b. join;to speak

c. join;speakingd. to join;speaking

26. —how is your english study?

not bad. but ilearning english grammar.

a. am interested inb. am good at

c. h**e a little troubled. h**e no trouble

27. i think __is important for the kidsmany after-school classes.

a. it, h**ing b. it, to h**e c. that, h**ing d. that, to h**e

28. the __you work at your lessons, the __results you will get.

a .hard, good b. harder, good c. hard, better d. harder, better

29. —my parents don’t allow me to watch tv, what should i do

a. i don’t think this is fair. b. you could say sorry to them.

c. hope things work out. d. you could sit down and communicate with them

30. _my opinion, we should get on welleach other.

a. in, with b. with, in c. in, to d. with, to


(一) 阅读短文,完成31—45小题。(共15小题,计15分)

abeijing is the capital of china and can be easily reached by train, plane or bus. there are two main train stations in beijing. one is in the center and can be reached by subway; the other is in the southwest of beijing and can easily be reached by bus.

the city itself has good transportation. the total length of the subway in the city is about 200 km . it’s convenient(方便的) .

passengers can buy tickets from vending machines (自动售票机)at entrances (入口) to the subway .

八年级下册期末试题 八

八年级数学测试卷。一 选择题 每题2分,共20分 1 不等式组的解集是 a x 3b x 4c 3 x 4d 无解 2 计算的结果是 a bcd 3 若3x 2y 0 y 0 则等于 abcd 4 下列任务中,适宜采用普查方式的是 a 调查某地的空气质量b 了解中学生每天的睡眠时间。c 调查某电视剧...


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一 单项选择题 每题只有一项最符合题意,请把答案写入下面 内。每小题2分,共28分 锦绣河山收拾好,万民尽做主人翁。据此回答1 2题 1 材料中 万民 指。a 全体公民b 在我国工作的人 c 我国全体人民 d 在我国出生的人。2 此材料说明。我国是工人阶级领导的 以工农联盟为基础的人民民主 的社会主...