
发布 2022-12-12 08:43:28 阅读 9224

姓名。作业一。1. beijing roast duck尝起来) delicious.

2. the teacher was angry因为 ) his homework.

3. chinese people love和平)。

4. in the end, tom与… 和解) his friend john

5. jackie chan is one of the greatest角色) in the film.

6. students in class one are very __活泼的) .

7. mr. green is so angry that he almost goes __发疯的).

8. bill isn’t能够) come。

9. we are以….为骄傲) our great country.

10起初), we didn’t like swimming at all.

11. he often go to the hospital with flowers to __the sick boys __使振作起来).

12. why does tom __a little___似乎不高兴).

13. 我们当中没有一个人害怕困难。none of usthe difficulties.

14. 他来这儿是向我父母表示感谢的。he comes here tomy parents.

15. 中华人民共和国成立于2024年。the prcin 1949.

作业二。1. the boy tried hard to do it, but he __失败).

2. it’s __正常的) for you to make mistakes. you are always so careless.

3. the teacher says so fast that i can’t __理解) what he says.

4. -i can’t join in your birthday party, i h**e to照顾)my sister.

真遗憾!)5. we __hate him不再).

6. many people in their teens h**e such __经历).

7. everyone feel sad sometimes尤其) when living in a new place.

8. many students seem not to __接受) kate, because she isn’t friendly to others

9. jim __拒绝) to go hiking with us, because he had other things to do.

10. i want your __建议), sir. i don’t know what to do.

11. our teachers are very严格) with us.

12. i made many friends here尽管)i am just here.

13. 海伦不如贝蒂细心。helenbetty.

14. 他不习惯这儿的天气。he can’tthe weather here.

15. 请代我向你家人致以最美好的祝愿。please __myyour family.

16. 轻松点儿,别担心你的病情and don’t worry about your illness.

17. 我不知道如何处理这样的事情。i don’t know how tosuch things.

作业三。1. it was a sudden决定)。

2. different countries h**e different __文化) .

3. 我妈妈认为历史没有英语重要。my mother doesn’t think history isas english.

4. she has no __意识) of time.

5. if we are in good __情绪),we can study or work better.

6. 我们计划给你一个惊喜。we plana __to you.

7. 电影《妈妈再爱我一次》使我们伤感,我们眼中充满了泪水。 the film love me once more, mom __us feelour eyestears.

8. 我们应该仔细考虑,以确保他的安全。we should __it __to make sure he is safe.

9. 你是如何使这个婴儿停止哭泣的?how did you __the baby

10. 我们要以饱满的热情为我们伟大的祖国努力工作。we should work hard for our great country

作业四。1. 我一到上海就给你打**。i will call youi get to shanghai.

2. 我期待着再次见到你。i’mseeing you again.

3. the headmaster called on the students to __筹集) money for the poor boy.

4. 我们确信住房条件不就会改善的。 we are __that housing __will change for the better soon.

5. their expenses reached a __总计) of 1000 pounds.

6. the __任务) has been fulfilled.

7. all of us are afraid of对付) such feeling problems.

8. they need 10标准间) to live in.

9. don’t worry! a good idea出现在我脑中) just now.

10. 我有一些令人兴奋的事告诉你。i h**eyou.

little boy迷路)in the forest.

12. my house is __有….价值) about 100000.

13. he is cooking chicken soup on the __炊具)

14. when we __加上) in the cost of the drinks , the bill was over 100.

作业五。1. 杰克昨天又一次说了谎,他父亲忍不住生气地呵斥他。

jackagain yesterday, so his fatherhim angrily.

2确保) all the windows are closed before you le**e.

3. 顺便问一下,今晚谁愿与我一起看服装表演who would like to watch the fashion show with me tonight?

4. joe looked for the keys到处), but he still couldn’t f ind them.

5. he was so __害怕) that he didn’t know what to do.

6. they are still寻找) the missing child.

7. 鸽子象征着和平。the pigeonpeace.

8. 直到别人指出来,他才知道自己的错误。 hehis mistake __others pointed it out.

9. 谢天谢地,你平安无事you are safe!


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