八年级 上 复习提纲

发布 2022-12-12 05:19:28 阅读 7918

八年级(上)期中复习提纲ⅰ.words and expressions

key words and expressions in units1-5

1.名词(n.) housework,junkfood,sitcom,news,soup opera,comedy,action movie,cartoon

2.动词(v.) decide,try,wonder,dislike,plan,hope,happen,expect3.

形容词(adj.) wonderful,bored,outgoing,hard-working,serious,loud,necessary,fantastic,similar,better,comfortable,fresh,poor,close,worse,worst,educational,meaningless,famous,rich,successful,4.副词(adv.

) hardly ever,once,twice,loudly,quietly,clearly,truly,cheaply,carefully,comfortablely,beautifully,seriously,5.代词(pron.) anyone,someone,everyone,something,nothing,anywhere,both,6.

短语(expressions) quite a few,of course,feel like,because of,use the internet,go online,such as,more than,less than,at least,as long as,in fact,be different from,be similar to the same as,bring out care about,so far,h**e…in common,all kinds of,be up to,play a role,make up,for example,find out,be ready to,dress up,take one’s place,do a good job.

.functions and structures

谈论过去发生的事情,学习规则和不规则动词。1.--where did you go on vacation?

--i went to new york city2.--did you go out with anyone?

one was was on was the food?

everything tasted really good!谈论做事的频率。

4.--what do you usually do on weekends?--i always exercise.

5.--what does she do on weekends?--she sometimes goes shopping6.

--how often do you go to the movies---i go to the movies maybe once a month.谈论个人形象比较。7.

--is tom smarter than sam?

--no,he isn’ is smarter than tom.8.--does tara work as hard as tina?--yes,she does.

9.--who’s more hard-working at school?--tina thinks she works harder than me.谈论选择。

10.--what’s the best movie theater to go to?--town the closest to home.

--and you can buy tickets the most quickly there.11.--which is the worst clothes store in town?

--dream has the worst service.12.--what do you think of 970am?

--i think 970am is pretty has the worst music.谈论计划。

13.--do you want to watch the news?--yes,i do./no i don’t.

14.--what do you plan to watch tonight?--i plan to watch days of our past.

15.--what do think of talk shows?

--i don’t mind them./i can’t stand them./i love watching them.



some---some one,someone,somebody,somethingany---any one,anyone,anybody,anythingno---no one,none,nobody,nothingall,both,neither,either,each

every---everyone,everybody,everything,other(s),another,many,much,few,a few,little,a little,one几点用法说明:




3)few和a few是一对反义词,代替或修饰可数名词;little和alittle代替或修饰不可数名词。






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4 回声是由于声音在传播过程中遇到障碍物被反射回来而形成的。如果回声到达人耳比原声晚0.1s以上人耳能把回声跟原声区分开来,此时障碍物到听者的距离至少为17m。在屋子里谈话比在旷野里听起来响亮,原因是屋子空间比较小造成回声到达人耳比原声晚不足0.1s 最终回声和原声混合在一起使原声加强。利用 利用回...