
发布 2022-12-10 18:34:28 阅读 6605


学生教师科目: 英语


module1 feelings and expressions





what are you like?

what do you look like

bit, a bit of, a little 之间的区别是什么?

3. excited, exciting 如何正确使用?

4. can’t wait to do 是什么意思?

5. also, too, as well如何正确使用?

other one, others, the others的区别。

3. 回答问题:

how do you feel when you…

1. get bad marks at school?

2. le**e you mum and dad?

3. are with strangers?

4. speak english?

5. do something wrong?

6. fly?


thanks for + sth./doing sth. 感谢你…

hear from sb. 收到某人的来信。

can’t wait to +动词原形迫不及待……

arrive at / in 到达(大地方用in小地方用at)

as well 也(放句尾)

be proud of 以……感到骄傲。

get angry with 对……生气。

a bit + adj. /adv. 一点……

be excited about 对……感到兴奋。

something wrong 形容词修饰不定代词要放在不定代词的后面。

be afraid of doing sth 害怕干某事。



)1. thanks for __me such a great photo. you look pretty good.

a. send b. sent c. to send d. sending

2. what’s the matter __him?

a. for b. with c. to d. from

is angry __herself.

a. at b. with c. offer d. to

am not good at english. so i am __of speaking in class.

a. afraid b. shy c. excited d. happy

is tall and slim __short fair hair.

a. has b. h**e c. with d. of

6. this kind of music __beautiful.

a. sings b. hears c. listens d. sounds

7. the woman can’t find her keys, so she looks __

a. happy b. nice c. worried d. sadly

8. i __very tired after running.

a. felt b. tasted c. smelt d. sounded

9. _you feel nervous when you speak to your teacher?

a. are b. is c. do d. does

10do you feel when you le**e your mum and dad?

i feel a bit sad.

a. what b. how c. why d. when

teacher comes in. all the students stop __

a. to talk b. talking c. talk d. talks

14.__of my parents are workers.

a. both b. all c. every d. neither

12. the old woman is quite __of her son’s success.

a. prouder b. proud c. proudest d. the proudest

milk can helpto keep healthy.

a. us b. our c. ours d. we

14.—i h**en’t seen jack for three days .is he ill?

his mother told me that he was in hospital.

a.i am afraid so b.i hope not c.i don’t expect

knew there was __with my computer.

a. something wrong b. wrong something c. anything wrong

is ****** a pizzatomatoes and onions.

a. for b. with c. in

seemed __when he heard the news.

a. surprise b. surprised c. surprising d. a surprise

( )18. parents often tell their children not to talk to___

a. artists b. strangers

c. captains d. steward

( )19. he’s never rude. i think he’s the mostboys in his class.

a. politeb. healthy

c. beautiful d. strong

--she is short with fair hair.

a. what does sally like

b. what is sally look like

c. what does sally look like

d. what is sally looking

( )21. mary looks so __today because she has done well in her math test.

a. exciting b. worried c. happy d. angry

( )22 .-i feel really __before the exam.

take it easy. i’m sure you you can pass it.

a. hungry b. nervous d. safe


1. then we’re coming back here吃一些东西).

2. i feel stupid when i取得不好的成绩).

3. but i’m非常激动) coming to china.


we areour success.


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测试一成绩 1 浮云游子意李白 送友人 2林空鹿饮溪。梅尧臣 鲁山山行 3 晴空一鹤排云上刘禹锡 秋词 4铁马冰河入梦来。陆游 十一月四日风雨大作 5 门前流水尚能西苏轼 浣溪沙 6 烽火连三月杜甫 春望 7一览众山小。杜甫 望岳 8恨别鸟惊心。杜甫 春望 9 夜久语声绝杜甫 石壕吏 10 有孙母未...