
发布 2022-12-06 07:15:28 阅读 5855

一、 根据情景选择正确的答语。

)1、li yan说:“我在三年级一班”应怎样说:

a、i’m in class one ,grade three.

b、 i’m in class three, grade one.

)2、老师问ben,: 你多大了?”应怎么样问:

a、how old are you?

b、how are you?


a、i h**e a new pen .

b、i h**e a new pencil.


a、my name is gaowei.

b、what’s your name?


a、i’m in class one ,grade three.

b、i’m in class three, grade one.


a、how old are you?

b、what’s on the chair?


a、how are you?

b、what’s your name?


a、happy birthday to you !

b、it’s my birthday.


a、what’s your name?

b、what time is it?


a、excuse me, miss liu.

b、good morning, miss liu.


a、glad to meet you !

b、i like hamburger.


a、good afternoon.

b、what’s your name?


a、how old are you?

b、what’s in your bag?


a、it’s four o’clock.

b、it’s five o’clock.


a、it’s seven.

b、i’m seven.


a、it’s six o’clock. let’s sing.

b、let’s go home.


a、happy birthday to you !

b、what’s your name?


a、i’m in class three ,grade six.

b、i’m in class six, grade three.


a、look at your face.

b、excuse me.


a、 go to the zoo.

b、let’s go home.

二、 根据问句选择合适的答语。

a组: )1、hello, i’m li yan.

)2、nice to meet you?

)3、let’s go to school.

)4 、what’s in your bag?

a、ok. let’s go.

b、hi, my name’s an.

c、a chinese book.

d、glad to meet you .

b组: )1、can i see it?

)2、glad to se you again.

)3、how old are you?

)4、good afternoon!

)5、what’s your name?

a、nice to se you again.

b、sure, here you are.

c、good afternoon!

d、my name is ben.

e、i’m seven.

c组: )1、what’s in my bag?

)2、how old are you?

) 3what’s your name?

)4、can i see it?

)5、what time is it?

) 6、thank you.

a、it’s nine o’clock.

b、an english book.

c、that ok.

d、i’m nine .

e、my name is ben.

f、sure, here you are.

三、读单词,选出不属于同一类的词。(只填序号))1、a、one b、three c、sister)2、a、father b、seven c、eight)3、a、chinese book b、chinesec、an english book.

)4、a、six b、old c、four)5、a、five b、desk c、chair四、计算后选择正确的答案序号填在括号里。

a、two b、five c、six d、elevene、four f、one g、eight h、teni、even j、twelve k、nine l、three五、选择正确的答案。

)1、 four, five, ten , elevena、5,4,11,12


)2、seven ,eight ,twelve, ninea、7,8,12,9


a、twelve , three



b、five, eleven


a、class five,grade four.

b、class four,grade five.

)6、it’s an

a、eraser b、 sharpener)7、how old are you?

a、i’m ten。b、it’s ten

)8、kate is in

a、grade 5, class3

b、class3 ,grade 5

)9、i don’t like coke chicken.

a、 or b、 and

)10、that is my son. is nine.

a、she b、 he

) 11、what’s this?

a、that is a dog.

b、it’s a dog.


a: hello

b: peter

a: hi, peter. how old are you?

ba: excuse me. peter

b: it’s twelve o’clock.

a: oh,twelve o’clock.

b: ok.

a、let’s go home.

b、i’m nine .

c、what’s your name?

d、what time is it?


1、i’m in class 2 ,grade 3.

2、how old are you?

3、what time is it?

4、i’m seven。

5、it’s eight o’clock.

6、let’s sing.

7、look at your face.

8、who’s that woman?


1、the taxi number is six , two, eight.

2、my bike number is three, seven, one.

3、my bus number is nine, two, four, five.





lisa: good morning


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姓名等级书写 1 看拼音,写汉字 cu w i n f ch n sh n s y n 鸟部。y w n d u b u zh u ru l m n 峭石雪 sh sh q t sh zh u b sh 程降。p l o zh n f t ji s n l n 步 助。zh n l n il chu...


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