
发布 2020-11-14 12:54:28 阅读 9365


brother sister mother fatheruncle aunt man woman

she he



a、what’s your name?

b、my name is san.


a、show me your kite.

b、show me your book.


a、show me your family photo.

b、show me your photo.


a、how are you?

b、how old are you?


a、show me your sister’s photo.

b、show me your family photo.


a、this is my mother.

b、this is my sister, kate.

)7、你想问li san 那边的男人是谁,你应问:

a、who’s that man?

b、who’s this?

)8、li san 回答说:“他是我的叔叔”。她应说:

a、he’s my uncle.

b、she’s my uncle.

)9、liu wei 告诉你那是他姑姑,他应说:

a、he’s my uncle.

b、she’s my aunt。


a、who’s that?

b、who’s this?


a、who’s that man?

b、who’s that woman?


a、what’s in the bag?

b、what’s on the bag?


a、who’s this?

b、what’s this?


a、this is my grandpa.

b、this is my grandma.


a、this is my grandpa.

b、this is my uncle.

)16、who’s that woman?

a、she’s my mother.

b、she’s my father.


a、this is my dad.

b、she’s my dad.


a、this is my book.

b、i h**e a new book.

( )19、你想知道“几点了”,你应这样问:

a、let’s go to school.

b、what time is it?


a、show me your story book.

b、show me your book.


a组: )1、can i see it?

)2、look at my new pencil-box.

)3、what’s on the chair?

)4、who’s that man?

)5、how old are you?

)6、what time is it?

a、he’s my father .

b、a chinese book.

c、it’s nine o’clock.

d、wow, how nice.

e、sure. here you are.

f、i’m nine.

b组: )1、h**e some grapes.

)2、can i h**e some coke.

)3、h**e a hamburger, please.

)4、what’s on the desk?

)5、what do you like?

)6、look at my new water bottle.

)7、let’s go to school.

)8、nice to meet you.

a、sure. here you are.

b、oh, thank you .

c、no, thanks. i like bananas.

d、a pear.

e、i like apples.

f、nice to meet you ,too.

g、oh. how nice.

h、ok. let’s go.


)1、this is

a、a egg b、an egg c、eggs)2、is this your water bottle.

a、it’s my water bottle.

b、yes. it’s mary’s.

c、no. it’s mary’s.

)3、what colour is it?

a、it’s red.

b、a red apple.

c、an apple.

)4、what’s in your pencil-box?

a、a big book

b、a crayon

c、a bag.

)5、 my mother.

a、he’s b、she’s

)6、your father’s father is youra、grandfather b、grandmother)7、询问远处的女人是谁,可以说:

a、who’s that man?

b、who’s that woman?


a、who’s this?

b、this is who?


a、i h**e father and mother.

b、i love father and mother.


a、let’s go home.

b、let’s go to home.


man grandmother father sisteruncle brother woman mothergrandfather aunt


a组:a:i’m kate.

b: my name is lily.

a: glad to meet you, lily.bab: i’m in class 1 ,grade4.


a、what class are you in?

b、glad to meet you ,too.

c、what’s your name?

d、let’s go home.

b组:a:hi, kate. who’s this?bab:that’s my grandpa.

ab:she’s my mother.

a:who’s that man?

ba:who’s this little girl?

ba、who’s this woman?

b、he’s my father ?

c、this is my grandfather.

d、it’s me.

e、and who’s that?

c组:a: hi, li yan. nice to se you again.

b: hi, peter

ab: oh. this is my grandma.

ab: that’s my sister , li hua.

li hua, this is peter.

a: li hua

d: glad to meet you?

ad: i’m eight. look at your train.

a: wow, it’s super. can i see it?

da: thank you!


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