
发布 2022-12-02 01:55:28 阅读 4437



1. s__ ing (春天) 2. s__ w (雪)

3. _der (在……下面)4. l__k__ 湖)

5. s__ y(晴朗的) 6. w__ m(暖和的)

7. w__ k (行走,步行)8. p__ k (公园)

9. p__ 玩,玩耍) 10. f__ es (放)


)1. a. autumn b. summer c. cold

)2. a. we b. warm c. hot

)3. a. walk b. forc. play

)4. a. toy b. under c. behind

)5. a. sunny b. very c. windy

)6. skating b. fishing c. listen

)7. a. web. i c. snow

)8. a. flies b. likes c. walk

)9. a. c. orange

)10. a. what b. it c. how


1. 去游泳2. 在春天。

3. fly kites4. in the snow

5. 踢足球6. 在桌子下面。

7. very cold8. in winter

9. 在墙上10. 滑冰。

11. 最喜欢的季节 __12. nice season

13. 在门的后面 __14. happy birthday __


)1. w__ dy (有风的)

a. inb. nic. on

)2. tr__ 树)

a. aeb. eec. aa

)3. p__ k (公园)

a. rab. eac. ar

)4. s__ mer (夏天)

a. uub. mmc. um

)5. w__ m (暖和的)

rac. or

)6. pl __玩)

a. ya b. ayc. oy

)7. sn__ 雪)

b. woc. no


1. 冬天2. 秋天。

3. 在……后面4. 我们。

5. 春天6. 盒子。

7. 步行8. 很,非常。


1. fly (三单形式2. we (宾格。

3. wind (形容词4. skate (动名词。

5. toy (复数形式6. hot (反义词。

7. go (三单形式8. it’s (完整形式。

9. walk (三单形式10. where is (缩写形式) _


1. daming __fly) a kite in the park.

2. we go __skate) in winter.

3. it’s __snow) today.

4. where is __i ) toy?

5. it’s inyou ) bedroom.


)1. we go __in summer.

a. swim b. swimming c. swiming

)2. daming __kites in the park.

a. fly b. fliedc. flies

)3. it __on your desk.

a. isb. amc. are

)4. daming goes __under the tree.

a. fishing b. fishesc. fish

)5. –where is the apple?

on the desk.

a. itb. itsc. it’s

)6. it’s in __bedroom.

a. yourb. you c. yours

)7. what __sam do in spring?

a. isb. do c. does

)8. it’s cool and __today.

a. windb. windy c. winding

)9. we fly kites __spring.

a. atb. on c. in

)10. where __the orange?

a. isb. am c. are

)11. a present __you.

a. forb. to c. of

)12. happy birthday __you!

a. onb. to c. for


1. what do you do in spring? a. it’s on the desk.

2. where’s the bagb. thank you.

3. happy birthday to youc. he goes fishing.

4. is it hot in summerd. i fly kites in spring.

5. what does daming do in autumn? e. yes, it is.


1. we play in the snow in winter.

2. in autumn, he goes fishing under the tree.

3. summer is my f**ourite season.

4. i play football at school.

5. it’s hot in summer.


1. is \ spring \ f**ourite\ season\ my \

2. under \ it’s \ your \ chair \.

3. is \ where \ the \ bag\ ?

4. swims \ the \ in \ he \ lake\.\

5. the \ pen \ is \ where \?


)1. what does you do in winter

a b c )2. she walk in the snow

a b c )3. the cat is on the tree

a b c )4. a present to you

a b c )5. daming flies a kites in the park

a b c十。


1. daming flies a kite in the park. (变为一般疑问句)

2. he goes fishing under the tree. (变为否定句)


三 四模块习题。一 根据汉语意思将下列单词补允完整。1 t 他 她 它们宾格 2 s 游泳 3 m t 肉4 n dl 面条 5 p 梨6 s i 跳绳 7 f tb 足球 8 d 骑 9 pa 传递10 li 喜欢 二 请选出下列各组词中不同类的一项。1 football 2 basketball...


一 二模块习题。一 根据汉语意思将下列单词补充完整。1.c l r 颜色 2.f o it 最喜欢的 k y 猴子 4.t g 老虎 ll 小的 6.sh t 矮的 狮子 8.s g 歌曲 9.l p t 大象 高的 二 判断下列字母的大小写是 否 一致。1.bd 2mm 3.jj 4xs 5ww ...


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