英语三年级下册期末考试卷 1

发布 2022-12-01 23:03:28 阅读 7060


1. —liu tao, please (关上) the window. —yes, miss green.

2. —don’t (说话), liu tao. —i’m sorry.

3. look at the new (尺子).

4. (**)is my pencil? guess!.

5. the (小鸟)is in the tree now.

6. —is that your (午餐)box? —thank you.


1. 鸟在哪儿? —哦,它在课桌下面。

___is the bird? —oh, it’s __thedesk. .

2. 我的铅笔在**? 你能猜一猜吗?

___is mycan you guess?

3. 那是你的包吗? —不,那不是我的书包。

is __yourno, that __mine

4. 你想喝牛奶吗? would you like to drink __

5. 那些是什么? what are

6. 这个苹果是给你的。 this __for __


1those pears? —no. _are __

2. —what’s that on the农场) —it’s a___

3is this___

she’s my___



2、想提醒别人注意,你怎么说: _




6、想说该是吃蛋糕的时候了,你怎么说: _




5.那个鸭舌帽6. 那些梨子。

7. 那支钢笔8. 三个橙子。

9. how lovely10. make a wish

11. what about you12. i want a robot


) 1. a. blue b. ball c. black ( 2. a. pie b. stand c. sit

) 3. a. crayon b. ruler c. me ( 4. a. ball b. book c. look

) 5. a. eat b. drink c. sweet ( 6. a. sleep b. in c. talk

) 7. a. pencil case b. shout ( 10.


) 1. –what’s this

a. it’s a pen. b. it’s pen. c. no, it’s a pen.

) 2. is this your rubber? yes

a. it is b. it isn’t c. i am

)3. is this?

) s my schoolbag?

a. that’s my schoolbag. bit’s my schoolbag.. over there.

) 5. _is it? it’s red.

a. what b. what colour c. what’s colour

)6. this is __new skirt.

a. i b. an c. my

)7. this is miss li.

a. a. b. /c. my.

) 8. who’s this

a. yes,i am. b. it’s red. c. she’s miss li.

) 9. on the farm go “oink, oink”

a. chickens b. pigs c. ducks

) 10. clever tom __the farm, makes ice cream __his mum.

a. from ; for b. for ; to c. for ; from


) 1. 上课了,想要叫同学们起立,老师对大家说:

a. stand up. b. sit down. c. yes, please.

) 2. 天气有点热,妈妈对你说:

a. please open the window. b. please close the door.

c. please close the window.


a. i’m sorry. bthis is your book. isn’t my book.


is yout pen. that your pencil? that your pen?


a. what’s that? bwhare’s my rubber? my ruler?.


a. this is for you.. you.. this for you?


a. where’s my car? bit’s over there.. is your book.

)8. 想让别人看自己的新裙子时,你可以说:

a. look at my skirt. b. look at my new skirt

听力材料。一、 1three 2.eat 3.how old

. that desk 5.that is for you.

. don’t be late for class again.

二、1.happy birthday. 2how old are you? five.

. it’s time for the cake. 4what’s that over there?

it’s a chair. 5don’t run, be careful !

. —where’s wang bing ? he’s in the tree..

三、1.here you are.

. is this your rubber?

.what a nice schoolbag!

. how old are you?

. would you like a cake?

. it’s time for the cake.

. where’s my pencil case?

. this isn’t my chair.

四、1.how old are you?

. make a wish.

. this is for you.

. is that your pen?

. where’s helen?

. is this your pen?


听力部分 60分 一 听单词或词组三次,根据听到的内容找到相应的图,并在括号内写上阿拉伯数字编号。10分 二 听句子三次,选出句子中含有的信息,把大写字母编号写在题前的括号 10分 1.a.8b.3 xkb 1 com c.5 2.a.ad3326b.ed3316c.fd2316 3.a.robot...


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