
发布 2022-12-01 21:41:28 阅读 4881


研讨课。project 2 a magic clock

type of the lesson课型。


teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标。


2.能听懂、会读、会说5—8单元日常用语:what’s the time?

it’s … it’s time for … where isthe …?it’s on/in/under/ …what are these/those? they are … are these …?

yes, they are. no,they are …。



focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重点和难点。



teaching procedures教学过程。

step 1 free talk

t: hello, i’m wendy.

s1: hello, i’m …

t: nice to meet you.

s1: nice to meet you.

t: how old are you?

s1: i’m …

t: first, let’s say something about ourselves. (ppt呈现课件)

what’s your name? how old are you? what’s your f**ourtie food?

what’s your f**ourite colour?

s: prepare in groups or pairs.

step 2 drill

t: today, we’ll h**e a magic lesson. and in this lesson, you’ll try to h**e magic ears, magic eyesand even a magic mirror.

do you want to try?

oh, you all h**e magic ears. now i’ll show yousome numbers. look at them and try to remember them quickly.


s: yes!

t: now let’s try to h**e the magic ears.

step 3 magic ears

t: now listen, what are they? (**动物的声音) what can you hear?

students listen and try to find out.)

s1: pig, cow.

s2: duck, chicken.

s3: …t: good. now listen to this. (**牛叫声)what’s this?

s1: it’s a cow.

t: what about this? (**狗叫声) what’s this?

s2: it’s a dog.

t: good. and is this a dog? (**猪叫声)

s3: it’s a pig.

t: good. what are these? (**鸭子叫声)

s4: they’re ducks.

t: excellent. are they ducks? (**小鸡的叫声)

s5: they’re chickens.

t: good. where can we see them?

s6: on the farm.

t: good. can you say something about this farm? you can say …


s1: what’s this? it’s a …

s2: what are these? they’re …


s: talk about the animals in pairs.


step 4 magic eyes


t: what are they?

s1: 1.

s2: 2.

s3: 7.

s4: …t: good. look at the last two! are they numbers?

s: no.

t: they’re time. let’s read them together.

students read them together.)

t: good. you can remember them very well, now can you use them? please choose one or two

numbers or time, and make up dialogues with them. for example, how old are you? (将问句与学生的答句板书)

s1: i’m nine.

t: are you clear?

s: yes.


step 5 magic mirror

t: good. you h**e magic ears and magic eyes.

now use them to look at this magic mirror. whatcan you see in the mirror?

s1: a man.

t: who’s the man?

s2: he’s yang ling’s uncle.

t: what can you see now?

s3: a woman.

t: who’s she?

s4: she’s yang ling’s aunt.

t: good. and is this a woman now?

s5: no, this is a girl.

t: who’s she?

s6: she’s yang ling.

t: who can you see now?

s7: a boy.

t: who’s the boy?

s8: maybe he’s yang ling’s friend.


t: good. now can you talk about the picture in the mirror?


t: when we’re talking about the people, we can say …

s: who’s he/she? he/she is …


step 6 magic clock

t: good. we h**e magic ears, magic eyes and magic mirror, now we’ll h**ea magic clock.

look,is this a clock? (将魔钟模型贴到黑板上)

s: yes./no.

t: not yet. how to make a magic clock?

let’s read the instructions. step one, draw twelvepictures. h**e you finished?

s: yes.

t: oh, i h**en’t finished. can you help me?

s: yes.

t: showthe pictures. let’s ask and answer quickly. where’s the apple?

s: it’s behind the basket.

t: who’s the old man?

s: he’s my grandpa.

t: who can ask the question?

s3: where’s the pencil case?

t: it’s on the table.


t: now let’s cut the twelve doors. (老师做示范) do you understand?

s: yes.

t: h**e you cut the doors?

s: yes.

t: now stick the doors on. let’s listen and stick.

listen to my order and stick thecorrect doors 12

s: (找出12号门,贴到钟面正确的位置上)

s1: door 6.

s: (找出6号门,贴到钟面正确的位置上)

s2: door 8.

s: (找出8号门,贴到钟面正确的位置上)


t: good. now cut out the hand. can you find it?

s: yes. (开始剪时针)

t: good. now pin the hand on and pin on a rubber. (做示范)

s: (跟着老师一起做)

step 7 play the magic clock

t: now show your clocks to each other. now let’s play the magic clock. what’s the time?

s1: it’s five o’clock.

t: oh, it’s five o’clock. here’s the door. what can you say?

s1: open the door, please.

t: good. (老师根据**内容提问)

s : 根据**内容回答)

t: good. play the clock in pairs.

teaching aids教学准备(含板书设计)


板书设计:project 2 a magic clock

magic clock

magic ears:

what is this? it’s a …

what are they? they are …

magic eyes:


how old is he/she? he/she is …

how old are you? i’m …

what time is it? it’s …

magic mirror:

who’s he/she? he/she is …


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