
发布 2022-11-29 14:52:28 阅读 6939


1、i want __some teaa drink b to drink c eat

2、how many __are there? a rabbit b rabbits c the rabbit

3、wherea tiger live? a is b do c does

4、a bird lives __the tree. a in b on c at

5、there are five __on the farm. a sheep b sheeps c sheeps

6、the ducks cana swims b to swinm c swim

7、what’s __breakfasta in b for c of

8、__would you likea what b how c where

9、—can a bird fly?

a yes, it can’t . b yes,it can. c no, it can’t .

10、—what can you do?

a i am a student. b i can sing. c yes, i can.

11、how much___the apples? a is b be c are

12、do you h**e __apples? a an b any c a

13、i’d like some __to drink. a tea b waters c apples

14、oh, hot dogs! my f**ourite! _i h**e one ? a am b do c may

15、some , any 用法歌:

肯定句,用some, 否定、疑问用any。 但有两点特殊记:若表请求、邀请或委婉,疑问句也须用some。


16、how much __one donut ? a for b to c on

17、i’ll __two,pleasea take b look c like


a what do you like? b what would you like ?

19、当你想吃冰激凌时,你会怎么说? a may i h**e some ice cream? b may i h**e a ice cream?

20、i like __ricea eat b to eat c eats

21、i want to eata orange b a orange c an orange



巧学妙记加努力,one hundred 是你的好成绩。

23、it’s time __breakfasta to b for c in

24、i’m thirsty. i wanta drinking b to eat c to drink

25、let’s __up(吃光)all(所有的)food on the table. a to eat b eat c drink

26、我不喜欢鸡肉。 ichicken.

27、—what’s this?

a it’s a table. b i like fish. c they are dumplings.

28、i want to eat somea fishes b fishs c fish

29、there is __food for luncha no b not a c a

30、this bread___gooda is b are c am

31、—what’s this?

it’sa milk b a milk c milks

32、汉译英:1)去上学 2)读书 3)上午好4)在晚上 5) 晚安 6)我最喜欢的 6)想要。

7)在饭馆里 8)你想要什么 9)你喜欢什么 10)我想吃些面条。


34、i __rice. it’s not gooda like b not like c don’t like


物主代词很重要,译成汉语都有“的”,后面必须加上物,否则就要犯错误。my my 是我的;your your 是你的;his his 是他的;her her是她的;our our 我们的;their their 他们的,一个也不要记错。

36、what’s __f**ourite fooda you b your c yours

37、my f**ourite food __dumplings. a am b is c are

38、this juice __gooda am b is c are

39、li ming wantsa eat b to drink c eats

40、what __monkeys eata do b does c doing

41、where does yao minga live b lives c living

42、look 和see 的区分:

1)意思不同: look指的是留意的看;see指看见、见到,另外,还有“了解、明白”的意思。如:

i see。 翻译成:我了解了/我明白了。

2)搭配不同:look at +物体 see+名词。

look at the dog! i see a monkey at the zoo.

43、连词小常识: and(表示并列) but(表示转折) or (表示选择)

44但是)now he wants to eat me.

45、pull mepleasea to b out c in

46、you will __mea eat b eats c eating


a fish __in a rivera live b lives c living

48、cows __grassesa eat b eats c eating

49、the monkey __in a foresta live b lives c living

50、where __it livea do b does c doing

51、 where __they livea do b does c doing

52、where does __livea a panda b pandas c panda




54、 1)how many +可数名词复数, 问数量。

2)how much 问**。


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