
发布 2022-11-27 16:58:28 阅读 5784

unit 1 hello! 教案设计1



教学目标:1. 掌握单词hello, hi, goodbye, bye,掌握字母a b c 的发音规则,读好 apple , banana, cat。

2. 通过创设见面打招呼、自我介绍以及道别等情景,让学生学会见面打招呼、自我介绍及道别的日常用语。还会询问别人的名字。

3. 培养学生讲礼貌的好习惯。

4. 培养学生乐于开口, 敢于开口讲英语的习惯,激发学生想学、乐学英语的兴趣和愿望。

教学重点:本课主要是见面打招呼、自我介绍、询问别人的名字及道别用语的会话学习,使学生在不同的情景中听懂、会说 hello./hi.

goodbye./ what’s your name? i’m...

教学难点:自我介绍用语i’m …的发音不容易到位,学习起来较难,教师要适时纠正,切不可挫伤孩子的学习积极性。

教具准备:1. 教材相关人物的面具或头饰。

2. 教材相配套的录音带。


教学过程:the first period

vocabulary, target, song and activity 1 )

一、warm up.

1.复习字母。(sing the abc song.)

2. **一段关于打招呼用语的**片。


1. 利用卡片学习新单词。

2. 要求拼读单词。检查读音。

3. 先把左手除拇指外都张开,比作英语的四线格来练习写单词,然后要求在堂上练习本上练习写一次。

4. 通过肢体语言与对话进一步巩固单词。

5. 利用头饰来教句子:what’s your name?

i’m...戴上tony 的头饰说: i’m tony.

what’s your name? 引导学生回答:i’m…(说自己的名字) 并引出nice to meet you .

6. 老师先示范与学生对话。

如: t: hello!

s: hi! (hello!)

t: i’m miss t an. what’s your name?

s: i’m…

t: nice to meet you!

s: nice to meet you, too! (教师要引导)


s: goodbye!

7. 要求学生与同桌对话。挑几组出来表演。

8. 学唱歌曲what’s your name ? 先认识bonnie and boomer, 然后听录音一次,再学唱。

9. 完成activity 1


《情景一》 清晨,两个小朋友在校门口相遇,猜猜看,他们说了些什么?





1. 抄写今天学的四个单词。

2. 把今天学唱的歌曲唱给家人听。

the second period

story, practice 1,2 activity2 and alphabet.)

一、warm up.

1. sing a song.(what’s your name ?)

2. free talk.


1. 利用教学光碟教学story

2. 让学生模仿gogo and tony 对话。表演对话。

3. 把光碟的声音关掉,让学生给画面配音。

4. 听力训练(practice 1,2)先指导学生认真观察**并说明题意,再要求学生先把**内容演绎一遍,最后才听录音做题,检查答案。

5. 做practice 2时,教师可利用头饰要求学生多回答几次。

6. 呈现activity2的**,要求学生先分组练习对话,然后才填写,最后再请同学来表演对话。

7. 教学alphabet 教师先示范发音并利用实物和动作进行教苹果、香蕉和猫三个单词的发音。利用chant 进行巩固。


四、homework: 和家人或朋友练习对话。

unit 1 hello 教案设计2

作者: 鹤山市双合镇双合小学李清香指导:双合中心小学麦少芬。


一、teaching objectives:

target: what’s your name? i’m tony.

i’m jenny. what’s your name? i’m gogo. nice to meet you.


1. hello, hi, goodbye, bye, gogo, tony, jenny, boomer, bonnie

2. what’s your name? i’m

3. alphabet: a, b, c.

三、main features:

1. target language: what’s your name?

i’m tony. i’m jenny. what’s your name?

i’m gogo.

2. functions: greetings and farewells.

3. alphabet: a: apple b: banana c: cat

4. formulaic expressions: hello, hi, goodbye, bye, nice to meet you.

四、guide and product:

1. students write their names and draw pictures by themselves on the *****.

2. draw pictures of gogo, tony and jenny.

3. help ss with spelling of english names.

五、optional activities:

1. what’s your name?

ss hold the cards in front of them. ss then walk around the class introducing themselves, saying hi. i’m tony.

what’s your name? i’m gogo. each time ss complete a dialog, they can draw a star on their cards.

六、teaching course:

the first period

alphabet and vocabulary

作者: 鹤山市双合镇双合小学李清香指导: 麦少芬。


一、getting ready:

1. review the alphabet chant from do you know…?

2. h**e ss look at the alphabet letters.

3. t: sing and point.

4. model pointing to the letters in the song. (ss sing and point to the letters.)

二、using the book

1. point to your mouth

2. look and repeat, point to the letter a, t: a. (ss) a

3. open your mouth wide so that ss can see.

4. t: apple (ss apple)

5. continue with the letters b and c.

6. play the tape and h**e ss repeat.

7. after enough practice. give ss our sound and h**e them point to the corresponding letters.

8. give ss a word and h**e them point to the corresponding letter.


一、getting ready

1. with your book closed. whisper each word while pantomiming the corresponding acting.

2. t: listen. hello! hi! goodbye! bye! what am i saying?

3. ss try to hear. what you are saying.

and repeat it. whisper softly so ss h**e to concentrate to hear you.

4. once ss understand, h**e them repeat each expression.

二、using the book

1. t: listen and repeat, point to each picture.

2. h**e ss listen and point to each picture while repeating after the tape.

the second period

conversation and target

作者: 鹤山市双合镇双合小学李清香指导: 麦少芬。


一、getting ready

1. write your name on the board.

2. t: hello! i’m (t’s name).

3. let the ss introduce themselves. model the sentence if necessary.

4. when ss understand what they should do, do it again to give ss a chance to learn their classmates names.


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