人教版三年级下期英语复习 6 10模块

发布 2022-11-27 00:29:28 阅读 3365

三年级下册英语复习资料 (module6-10) name


eat meat(吃肉)go swimming(去游泳)play football(踢足球)

play basketball(打篮球) watch tv(看电视)h**e class(上课)

ride my bike(骑自行车)at school(在学校)on sundays(在星期日)

in the morning(在上午)in the afternoon(在下午)



what do you do on sundays?--i go swimming./play football/..

what do you do in the afternoon?--i watch tv in the afternoon.(☆

what do you h**e in the morning?--i h**e chines in the morning.

what does xiao yong h**e in the afternoon?--he has music in the afternoon.(☆


in spring/summer/ autumn/winter在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天。

fly kites(放风筝)go skating(去滑冰)go fishing(去钓鱼)


windy(有风的) rain(下雨)snow(下雪)in the snow(在雪地里)

what do you do in spring?--i /we fly kites in spring.

it’s warm today, but it’s raining. it’s snowing today .it’s very cold.



behind(在……后面)in the box(在盒子里) on your desk(在你的书桌上)under your chair(在你的椅子下面)under the tree(在树下)

behind the door(在门后面)in your bedroom(在你的卧室里)

in the park(在公园)in the lake(在湖里)



go---goes(去)fly---flies(放) h**e---has (做,进行)

where is my toy?--it’s in the bag. where is the bag?-it’s under the cat.

a present for you. happy birthday to you!


sweater(毛线衫)dress(连衣裙)coat(外套)t-shirt(t恤衫)h**e/has got(有) h**en’t/hasn’t(got)(没有)go to school(上学)

go to work(上班)by bus/car/bike(乘公共汽车/汽车/骑自行车)

h**e you got a new book?--yes,i h**e./no,i h**en’t.

has amy got a bike?--yes,she has./no,she hasn’t.

does your father go to work by car?--yes,he does./no,he doesn’t.

i go to school by father goes to work by car.

i’ve got a new about animals.(关于)




here’s a red hat. here’s an orange shirt.

let’s put on funny clothes for the party.(让我们为聚会穿上滑稽的衣服)

it’s green and yellow! now my shirt is black and white.

look at my big shoes!

has he got trousers?--yes,he has./no,he hasn’t.


aa bb cc ( ee ff gg ( ii jj kk ll ( nn oo ( qq rr ss tt ( vv ww xx ( zz.


)1. a. music b. sunday c. monday

)2. b. summer c. hot

)3. a. dress b. t-shirt c. bed

)4. a. nice b. meat c. rice

)5. b. brown c. red


)1. she __pe and art.

a. h**e b. has c. is

)2. what do you do __mondays?

a. in b. on c. for

)3. –where is my toy

a. it’s in the bag. b. it’s small. c. it’s a toy.

)4. we fly kite __spring.

in c. to

)5. –is my bag? -it’s behind the door

b. who c. where

)6. -has amy got a book

a. yes,he has. b. yes,he is. c. yes,she has.

)7. –h**e you got a new book

a. yes,i h**e. b. yes, i do. c. no,i don’t.

)8. daming __a kite in the park.

a. fly b. flies c. flying

)9. i go to schoolbike.

b. at c. by

)10. she’s got __orange sweater.

a. a b. an c. two


) do you do in the afternoon? has music.

) is the h**e.

) you got a new book? under the cat.

) she got a biked. i play football.

) does xiao yong h**e in the afternoon? hasn’t.


三年级下期英语复习资料。一 句型及翻译。a hello,baby bear 你好,熊宝宝hi,baby lion 你好,狮宝宝!nice to see you again 很高兴再次见到你!nice to see you,too.我也很高兴见到你!b how are you?你好吗i m fine....


三年级下期英语复习资料。一 句型及翻译。a hello,baby bear 你好,熊宝宝hi,baby lion 你好,狮宝宝!nice to see you again 很高兴再次见到你!nice to see you,too.我也很高兴见到你!b how are you?你好吗i m fine....


三年级下期英语复习资料。一 句型及翻译。a hello,baby bear 你好,熊宝宝hi,baby lion 你好,狮宝宝!nice to see you again 很高兴再次见到你!nice to see you,too.我也很高兴见到你!b how are you?你好吗i m fine....