
发布 2022-11-25 06:11:28 阅读 1342



a. i don’t come in, i’m sorry.()2、老师让同学们合上书,他说:

a. close the open the where’s your book?()3、风太大了,妈妈对你说:

a. open the windows, closethe don’t open the door.()4、今天你穿了一件新夹克衫,你会对你朋友说:

a. look at my new a nice jacket!c. is it a jacket?()5、当你上课注意力不集中时,老师会对你说:

a. sit open your look at me, please.()6、你觉得同学的帽子很好看,你说:

a. look at my how nice!c. thank you!()7、如果你想知道是不是对方的钢笔,你会问:

a. it’s a what a nice pen!c. is this your pen?()8、你想问对方这些是什么,你会问:

a. what’s these?b. what’s this?c. what are these?()9、对方问你他是不是你的父亲,你回答说:

a. is he your father?b. yes, he is she your mother?()10、你向别人介绍自己的母亲,你说:

a. she is my is she your mother?c. she is your mother.()11、你想知道sam是不是对方的朋友,你会问:

a. he is your your friend is is sam your friend?()12、当你写错字时,最需要什么学习用具?

a. a a a pen.()13、当你向别人询问那是你的英语书时,可以问:

a.is this your english book?b. is that your english book?()14、你想问是数字3还是5,你会问:

a. three or fourb. three and three or five?

()15、当别人问你那个男人是不是你父亲,你回答说不是时,你说:a. yes, he yes, she no, he isn’t.


a. are these apples?b. is this an apple?c. are those apples?


) 1. 1.你上学迟到了,应该说:

a. good yes, mr sorry.()2.

上课了,老师要求学生们看黑板,她会说:a. look at the door, look at me, look at the blackboard, please.

) 3.天气很热,你请同学打开窗户,可以说:

a. please open the please open the please open the book.()4.今天你穿了新短裙,你会对你的朋友说:

a. look at my new what a niceskirt!c. it’s a skirt.()5.你想知道那边的东西是什么,可以问:

a. what’s this?b. what’s that?c. what would you like?()6.请别人合上书,可以说:

a. open the open the close the book.()7.你想告诉别人不要在图书馆吃东西,你可以说:

a. don’t eat in the don’t don’t talk in the library.()8.上课时,我们在教室里不应该做的是:

a. eat a lisen to the don’t shout.()9.如果你想询问对方想不想来颗糖果,可以问:

a. would you like a sweet?b.

what about a hot dog?c. yes, please.

()10.当别人问你,这是什么,应该问: this?

b. what’s that?c.

what is it?()11.当别人问那是什么,你回答:

that?b. it’s a no, it isn’t.

()12.你不确定这是不是一支铅笔时,可以问: this a pen?

b. this is a is this a pencil?()13.

当别人问你是不是你的书包时,你可以回答:a. yes, it no, it it’s my schoolbag.


a. how nice!b. thank look at my new cap.()15.你找不到你的蜡笔,可以问:

a. it’s a what’s this?c. where’s my crayon?()16.你告诉同学bobby在图书馆,可以说:

a. bobby is bobby is in the where’s bobby?()17.同学让你看她的玩具汽车,你可以说:

a. how nice!b. thank look at my toy car.()18.你想把礼物送给你的朋友,可以说:

a. it’s a what’s this?c. this is for you.()19.当别人送礼物给你时,你应该说:

a. this is for thank what’s that?()20.你想知道几点了,你会说:

a. what time is it?b. what’s this?c. it's time for class.()21.是吃午饭的时候了,妈妈会说:

a. it's time for lunch .b.

it's time for bed . c. what's the time?


a. it's nine. it's time for bed .

b. it's ten. it's time for bed() 23.


a. what are those?b.

are these ducks?c. are those ducks?


a. who's the girl?b.

is that girl your sister?c. who's the woman?


a. please open the please open the please close the window.

) 26.你想问他是不是他的爸爸时,你会说:

a. is he your father?b.

is he your uncle?c. is she your uncle?


a. he's my she's my she's my aunt.()28.你想告诉朋友那是你的叔叔,可以说:

a. he's my this is my that's my uncle.()29.

nancy穿了一件漂亮的新短裙,你可以说:a. look at my how nice!

c. thank you.()30.


a. who's that girl, liu tao?b.

is that girl your sister, liu tao?c. that's my sister.


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