
发布 2022-11-26 17:07:28 阅读 8149







1.( nice to meet youa. i’m from boxing.

2. (where are you fromb. nice to meet you , too.

3. (how many rabbits can you see? c. she’s my sister.

4. (how many crayons do you h**e? d. i can see 12.

5. (who’s that girle. i h**e 20

6.( who’s this boy? f. thank you.

7.( happy women’s day! g. he’s my brother.


)1.那(个) a. that b. this c. who’s

)2.母亲 a. mother b. father c. brother

)3. 七 b. seventeen c. fifteen

)4. 风筝 a. bike b. kite c. jeep 2

)5. 放 a. fly b. draw c. jump

五、read and choose. (选出与其他两个不同类的单词来。)

)1. a. girl b.

goose c. lion ( 2. a.

apple b. pear c. kite( )3.

a. woman b. man c.

fish( )4. a. grandfather b.

grandmother c. boy( )5. a.

four b. five c. apple

六。请为下列汉语选择最恰当的英语。( 1.

你来自**?a.where are you from? b.

my name’s i’m from america. (2.“三八妇女节”快乐!

a.where are you from? b. my name’s bailingc.

happy women’s day

)3.她是我妹妹。a.she’s my sister. b. he’s my brother.

c. she’s my mother.( 4.

我有11支蜡笔。a.i can see fifteen i can see eleven pencils. c.

i h**e eleven crayons.


)1.—how are are you? b.

i’m fine, thank you. c. i am six.

( 2. –how many pens do you h**ea.i h**e four b. i can see four.

c. yes, i am.( 3.

–where are you are you? b. very well, thank you.

c. i’m from china.( 4.

–who’s that mana.he’s my father. b. she’s my mother.

c. i am a girl.( 5.

–i’m sorrya.i’m sorry! b. it’s ok!

c. no.( many kites can you seea.

watch out b. twenty c. really( )7.

who’s that girl? she’s mya. father b.

sister c. black __is a bag. a.

one b. two c. three

)9.__my sister. a. who’s b. he’s c. she’s

) and(+)two isa. nine b. thirteen c. fourteen八、情景反应。

)1、有一天,你在街上遇见一位很久没有见面的同学,你应该如何问候? a. who are you?

b. how are you? c.

here you are.( 2、你第一次认识mike,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说:

a. me too. b. nice to meet you. c. good afternoon.

)3、john说:“i like yellow.”你的爱好跟他一样,你可以说:

a. great! b. my name’s bai ling. c. me too.

)4、老师请你拍手,用英语该这样说: a. clap your hands. b. clap my hands. c. snap your fingers.


a. sit down. b. good morning. c. stand up.


pep 三年级下学期unit 1 2单元测试卷。河北省涞水县文教局教研室郭建春。听力部分。i.listen and write.听录音,写出你所听到字母的大小写形式。ii.listen and judge.听音,判断你听到的内容是否与 相符,相符的打 不相符的打 iii.listen and num...


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