
发布 2022-11-20 05:18:28 阅读 1977



一.听录音,选择你听到的单词的汉语意思 。(10分)

)** b.数学 ( 6. a我的 b.我们的。

)做运动 b.下棋 ( 我们 b.他们。

)第一 b.第三 ( 书桌 b.椅子。

)教室 b.操场 ( 科目 b.学校。

)科学 b.计算机课 ( 跳舞 b.唱歌。


)1. what are you __to do after school?

)2. _you h**e a library in your school?

)3. it’s __the first floor.

( )4. are you going to play chess __me ?

)5. he looks __some red water.

)6. _run in the art room.

( )7. after school we __camping.

)8. do you __a computer room?

( )9. listen __the tape .

( )do you h**e on monday ?


) in the in your teachers’ room.

) really likes reading. (also h**e a big playground.

( )is in the art room.

( )want to go to school. (is my f**ourite day.

) your f**ourite day?( is he going to do?


)我们有数学和计算机课。 (在星期一,tim不想起床。

)它们是我最喜爱的课。 (在星期五你们有什么课?



)bill打算放学后做什么? (在我们的教室里我们有电脑。


) yes, i i am

) i h**e chinese and maths. i h**e.

) f**ourite class is pe. like tuesday.

) we do. b. no, they aren’t

) he is in the classroom.

) i can sing songs.

) going to swim. is going to ride a bike.

) yes, she she can.

) we are in the art room. is going to fly a kite.

) it’s on the first floor. is in the music room.


一. 根据汉语在横线上填入所缺的字母。(10分)

1.第二 s__cond 2.跳舞 d___nce 3语文 ch_n_se 4.**m__sic

5.厕所,卫生间 to__let 6.读书r_ _d b_ _ks 7.图书馆l__brary

8.英语e__glish 9.楼层 fl_ _r 10.画画 dr_ _pictures

二。 读一读,找出划线部分发音和其它三个不相同的单词(10分)

) red b. bed c. me d. desk

二. 选择最恰当的词填空(10分)

) you __a science room in your school?

) art room is __the first floor. .a. on b. at c. in

) classes do you h**e __sunday? a. h**e

) h**e some __in our school. b. classrooms

) going to play football. a. is

) is going to swim with bill __six o’clock. a. in

)7. please __me up.

) you h**e a playground in __school?

) bill going to do ? a. am

) are___to dance after school. to

三. 问答配对,把答句的序号填在前面的括号里。(10分)

) your f**ourite ,ido.

) you play chess ? is going to sing songs.

) are they going to do ? c. you’re welcome

) you like mathsd. i h**e pe and art.

) is i can’t.

( )6. is he your fatherf. they are going to play football.

) is lily going to do ? on the third floor.

) classes do you h**e on monday ? he is.

) you very much . f**ourite class is chinese.

) is the art room ? is in the clasroom.

五。阅读短文,判断对错,正确的用 “t” 表示,错误的用 “f”表示。

hello,my name is kate. i’m ten years old. i can fly a kite and draw h**e a brother.

his name is tom. he is four years old. his eyes are big and his ears are big ,too.

i like to play with tom. he likes to play with balls. now i can’t see tom.

where is he ? oh, he is in the room.

( )1. tom is a boy.

( )is four years old .

( )likes to play with dogs.

( )tom is on the playground .

( )can ride a bike .


2008学年度第二学期三年级数学期中素质测试。全卷满分为100分成绩 一 直接写得数。每题1分,共12分 二 填空。每空1分,共20分 元4角5分 元 8角 元 32 03元 元 分 0 95元 角 分。609读作五点零四八写作。3 在里填上 或。3.08元 3.80元 5元 5.00元 22 19...


一 给下面带点的字选择正确的读音。在正确读音后面的括号里打 挣出了身子。划船。呜咽。干净。二 看拼音,写词语。三 照样子,写词语。例 甜蜜蜜一朵朵。例 滴答滴答雪白雪白。例 淅淅沥沥断断续续。四 比一比,再组词语。密嘲 绳园状 蜜潮蝇圆壮 朋前耳湖 偷 棚箭茸蝴愉。五 写近义词与反义词。近义词 悲伤...


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