
发布 2022-11-26 17:04:28 阅读 9192


一、 找出下列哪一个单词与其它单词不属于同类,并把其序号填入题前括号中。

)2. ajohn yifan

)3. b. green c. pen d. pencil

)4. b. pen c. bag d. book

)5. a. orange b. yellow c. brown d. ruler



a. this is my school . b. this is my classroom.


a. good morning afternoon


b. good morning afternoon


's this? 's your name?




old are you? are you?


black book. orange book.

)8.当别人问你:“what's your name?”你怎样回答?

a. i'm fine,thank you. name is mike.


1. ⑴white ⑵ i ⑶ h**e ⑷ a ⑸ruler

2. ⑴pencil ⑵ this ⑶ a ⑷is

3. ⑴yellow ⑵ a ⑶ cap ⑷ it's

4. ⑴red ⑵ see ⑶ i

5. ⑴you ⑵ are ⑷ how

6. ⑴is ⑵ name ⑶ chen jie⑷ my

7. ⑴this⑵ my⑶ is⑷ school


)a. what's morning ms smat.

)b. how many girls?

)c. what's your name? 'm fine,thank you.

)d. good morning,boys.

)e. good afternoon girls. 's a bird.

)f. how are

)g. hello,i'm sam. name is lanlan.

)h. afternoon mr li.

五、 把下列句子翻译成汉语。

1. good afternoon

2. my name is wu yifan

3. i h**e an eraser

4. open your pencil box

5. hello, i'm chen jie

6. this is a blue ruler

7. nice to meet you


a) i 'm fine,too.

b) and how are you?

c) thank you.

d) how are you, sarah?

e) i 'm fine.


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一 下面每个字母去掉一笔,你会有新的发现,试试吧!10分 m q b re i 二 下面每个单词里还藏着新单词呢,找找吧!10分 hippo fox elephant goodbye not 三 给下面单词填上所缺字母。10分 妈妈m m 小汽车 ar 爸爸 d d 球 bal 书b ok 四 连线...


曹王三小2015 2016学年度上学期期中质量检测。三年级英语。小朋友们,在这段时间内,你一定掌握了许多知识和本领,这儿为你提供一个展示自我的舞台,你要加油哟!一 判断下列各组字母的大小写是否一致,一致的在括号里打 不一致的打 10分 1.h h 2.d e 3.e f 4.g b 5.a a 二 ...