
发布 2022-11-26 12:55:28 阅读 3263


班级姓名。一、 连线。

1. watermelon 冰淇淋 2. student 电脑 3. cry 哭。

ice cream 西瓜 computer 学生 fly 飞。

4. zero 零 5. twenty 二十 6. elephant 大象。

breakfast 早餐three 三forest 森林。

二、 选择。

1. i __like fisha. do b. don’t c. can’t

2. dumplings __gooda. am b. is c. are

3. i like noodles __breakfast. a. to b. for c. on

4. what would youa. like b. for c. on

5. what’s __luncha. to b. in c. for

6. where does a fish live ? a. in a tree b. on the farm c. in a river

7. where is the cat? it’sthe box. a. is b. a c on

8. can a cow fly? it can’t. b. no, it can’t. c. no, it can.

9. how much __one hot doga to b in c for

10. do you h**e __applesa some b an c any

11. how much __the applesa. am b. is c. are

12. how much __a hamburgera. am b. is c. are

13. i would like __applesa some b an c any

14. how much __theya am b is c are

15. how much __ita am b is c are

三、 正确书写26个英语字母(大小写)

四、分类。milkbreadjuicerice ice cream water dumplings hamburger pear watermelon apple orange banana teahot dog



1. 你饿了,你想吃东西,你应该说___

a. i’m hungry. i want to eatb. i’m thirsty. i want to drink.

2. in the morning , ia. h**e breakfastb. h**e dinner.

3. “good night !”是什么意思? a. 晚上好b. 晚安

4. 你想问:晚饭吃什么?应该说___

a. what’s for breakfastb. what’s for dinner?

5. 有人问你:你想吃些什么?应该问___

a. what would you likeb. would you like some rice?

6. “这是一只鸭子吗?”应该说___

a. is it a duckb. what’s this ?

7. 你买东西时,你说,我要买12个。应该说___

a. i’ll take twelve, pleaseb. i h**e twelve.

8. 你想问:桔子多少钱? 你应该问___

a. how much are the oranges? b. how much are the apples?

9. 有人和你说:good morning!你应该回答___

a. good eveningb. good morning!

10. 你想问:你最喜欢的食物是什么?应该问___

a. what do you like? b. what’s your f**ourite food?


a 组。 ) you hungrya. yes, i can.

) 2. would you like some soupb. my f**ourite food is noodles.

) 3. can you dancec. yes, i’m hungry.

) your f**ourite foodd. i h**e bread and milk for breakfast.

) for breakfaste. no, thanks.

b组。 ) 1. what would you likea. you’re welcome!

) 2. may i h**e some hot dogsb. yes.

) 3. thank youc. i’d like some dumplings.

) 4. how much for one donutd. sure!

) 5. do you h**e any yuan.

八、填空。in thei h**ethen i

in thei h**ethen i

in thei h**ethen i

九. 根据所给的字母在横线上填出正确的那一个字母(看清楚大小写哦)

1. b c2. e f3. q __s

4. h __j5. t __v6. o p __


what do you like ?

i like watermelon.

i’d like a hamburger for lunch.


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