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unit 1 saying hello

1st step1 singing a song


hello hello,how are you?

i am fine. i am fine.

i hope that you are too.

good morning to you

good morning to you.

good morning to you.

good morning dear children.

good morning to you.

step2 presentation

“hello”. hi”. good morning”

the pupils: hello, boys and girls

say hello to class. w**e cheerfully saying hello or hi.

the pupils with “good morning”. ask them to respond by echoing you.

transparency. point to the characters. on the page and read in their

speech bubbles.

the tape. the pupils listen and read after the recorder.

step3 practice

the pupils greet their partner.

the pupils say hello to teacher one by one.

the class in to two. one half of the class say hello. the others do the


the same with hi.

the picture. ask a pupil to answer.

step4 homework

part a after the recorder twice.

to greet people

letter a

1. show the pupils the writing form

them the right way.

b. show them the wrong ways to prevent them writing in awrong ways.

2nd step1. revision

a song <>

greeting the pupils. then let the pupils answer the teacher.

the tape. ask the pupils read after recorder.

step2. presentation

out a toy to greeting. the teacher is acting the roles as part b.

the sentence on the blackboard. “hello, how are you?”“fine, thank

you.”let the pupils read after the teacher. then tell them the chinese meanings.

the door of the classroom and pretend to le**e.

as you are going out. w**e and say: goodbye, class. repeat until the pupils

begin to respond by saying goodbye.

to the sentence and read in their speed the tape. let the

pupils read after the recorder.

step3. practice

1. the teacher says, “hello, how are you?” to the pupils. then the pupils answer

the teacher.

2. do the same with goodbye.

3. ask them to tell the chinese meaning.

4. read after the teacher twice.

5. prompt individual pupils with the response. if they cannot reply, teach them

to reply until they can reply by their selves.

6. do the same with goodbye.

7. ask some pupils to practice “how are you?” fine, thank you.”

some pupils to practice the dialogue.

p1: hello, how are you?

p2: fine, thank you.

p1: goodbye.

p2: goodbye.

the tape to practice the pronunciation.

step4. homework

1. listen to the recorder and read after it twice.

2. practice“how are you?” fine, thank you.” goodbye.” with the recorder.

教课总结:lesson 3 how are you?


能够熟练掌握字母hh, ii, jj, kk的读音以及大小写的书写形式;并且要注意ii的读音,aa, hh, jj, kk的共同读音,小写k的书写以及字母h,

i, j, k在单词中的读音。

能够听说、认读并应用单词: hand, bike, jeep, key。

能熟练掌握对话,并会用该句型:how are you? i’m fine, thank you. and you? i’m fine,


能听懂、认读单词how, are, you, i’m, i, am, fine, thank, too, mr.

教学过程。热身(warming up)


mr. sun: hello! alice, long time no see!

alice: hi! mr. sun.

mr. sun: how are you?

alice: oh, i’m fine, thank you. and you, mr. sun?

mr. sun: i’m fine, too.


字母hh, ii, jj, kk手拉手的出现在屏幕上,并且相互问候,例如:

h: good morning! my name is h. h is for a hand.(一只手来回轻轻摆动说hello!) what’s your

name?i: my name is i. i is for a bike. (一辆可爱的**自行车慢慢的驶入画面) (转向j) what’s your name?

j: my name is j. j is for a jeep. (一辆**的吉普车轻快的驶入画面,欢快的按两下喇叭)(转向k) what’s your

name?k: my name is k. k is for a key. (一把钥匙从上到下轻轻落下)


2. 新课展示(new presentation)




jj, kk, 强调aa, hh, jj,



hand: /h nd/, 其中字母h发/h/的音,清辅音/h/发音时气流从两条声带间的缝隙(声门)通过,摩擦声门而成。

bike: /baik/, 其中i发/ai/的音,发音时由/a/滑动到/i/,滑动距离大,是宽双元音;结尾字母e不发音。

jeep: /d i:p/, 其中浊辅音/d /发音时舌端先顶在上齿龈后部,不留缝隙,然后渐渐放开,气流缓缓地从缝隙中冲出。

key: /其中浊辅音/k/发音时舌后部隆起,气流从喉咙口用力冲出来,发出爆破音。


mr. sun: hello! alice, long time no see!


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module 1 unit1 i m sam.主讲人 授课时间 2016年月日。一 教学内容 module 1 unit1 i m sam.二 教学目标 1 学习hello,hi,goodbye,bye bye进行有礼貌的打招呼。2 引导学生使用i m 句型进行自我介绍。3 知道英语中的对话是怎样进...