
发布 2022-11-24 14:44:28 阅读 6400


1、 能够掌握unit 4的重点词汇和句子。

2、 学会使用一般现在时以及根据实际情况回答。


this, that, these, those, it, it’s, they, are, they’re, is, isn’t, aren’t )

1. -whose cdthisann’s.

2. whose cdstheseann’s.

3. -is this your pencil?—yes

4. –is that your pencil?—no

5. are those your pencils?—yes

6. are they your pencils?—no

unit 4 dinner time


bedroomliving room


studyknock, door, welcome, living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, study, here, river, into, sleeping, washing, cooking, studying, playing, eating, drinking, painting


1. this is uncle booky’s house. 这是booky叔叔的房子。

on the door, please. 请敲门。

3. come in, please. 请进。

4. come out here. 快出来。

5. this is the living room. i am watching tv. 这是客厅,我正在看电视。

6. this is the bedroom. my sister is sleeping.这是卧室,妹妹正在睡觉。

7. this is the bathroom. uncle booky is washing.这是浴室,booky叔叔正在洗手。

8. this is the kitchen. my mother is cooking.这是厨房,妈妈正在煮饭。

9. this is the study. my brother is studying. 这是书房,弟弟正在学习。


-what are you doing? 你正在干什么?--i am playing. 我正在玩。

-what is he doing? 他正在干什么?--he is painting. 他正在画画。

说某人正在做某事,可用am/is/are +doing(动作+ing) 来回答。如:

i am eating. 我正在吃东西。

she is drinking. 她正在喝东西。

he is painting. 他正在画画。

they are watching tv. 他们正在看电视。

课堂练习 听力部分:


)1. a. houseb. horsec. mouse

)2. a. bedroom b. bathroom c. living room

)3. a. drinking b. swimmingc. sleeping

)4. a. cooking b. drinking c. eating

)5. a. come in b. come out c. come here

)6. a. writing b. singingc. reading



) she is is reading.

) youb. come out here.

) he is cookingb. she is cooking.

) he is drinkingb. they are drinking.

) they are watching tv. b. she is watching tv.


1. 这是书房,艾米在看书。

this is theamy

2. 这是客厅,我在看电视。

this is thei am watching tv.

3. 你在干什么?我在吃东西。

___are you doing? i am

4. 请敲门。

on theplease.


be quiet. my sister


1. theare 15 yuan. (toy)

2. whoseare these?(pencil)

3. look, my mothercook)

4. -what is she doing? –shesleep)

5. –what are they doing?—theywash)


this is my

2. please the door knock on

3. sister my sleeping is

4. doing is he what


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