
发布 2022-11-20 19:57:28 阅读 5018

revision exercise for grade three

i. 中译英:

1. 快点2. 迟到3. 上楼。

4. 下楼5. 醒一醒6. 两袋糖。

7. 一盒巧克力8. 等一会9. 给他三块抹布 __

10. 拉风筝11. 在大门前12. 玩捉迷藏 __

13. 在工作14. 做操15. 数棒棒糖 __

16. 连续数到十17. 注意18. 排到队伍里去 __

19. 在报纸附近20. 在篱笆后21. 在冰箱旁 __

22. 打开电视机23. 关掉灯24. 穿上裤子 __

25. 脱下鞋子26. 看这些饼干 __27. 听**。

28. 把信拿来29. 给她看** __30. 把眼镜递给我 __

31. 在建筑物的上方 __32. 帮我拿一下风筝 __33. 踢足球。

34. billy的三明治 __35. 又饿又渴36. 为我们寄信 __

37. 一只聪明的动物 __38. 十二点钟。

39. 漂亮的意大利女演员40. 11:45

ii. 写出动词的现在分词形式:

eatcloselistengivelaugh __

jump __swimturnrunskip __

post __writebringsitride __

iii. 写出下列单词的反义词:

put onturn oncome income into __

get onnoisyuglyclean


latetherethinput in


iv. 将下列单词单数改复数,复数改单数:

knives __nurses __teeth __sandwich __radio __

piano __photo __tomato __potatolibrary __

monkey __actress __teachildlollipop __

v. 选出最佳答案:

( )1. let __show you the way to our school.

a. i b. me c. my

( )2are the black chocolates? they are $10

a. how much b. how many c. how

( )3. the aeroplane looks so small, it __a bird.

a. like b. is like c. likes

( )4. can you __the umbrella for me? i can’t find my key.

a. pass b. show c. hold

( )5. billy is very fathe can play football well.

a. or b. and c. but

( )6. which is your stamp, billy? _

a. it’s red b. the one with a butterfly c. my stamp is nice.

( )7before you h**e your dinner.

a. wash your face b. wash your ears c. wash your hands

( )8. where are my shoes? are they __there?

a. over b. up c. down

( )9. don’t give __any food. they eat too much.

a. they b. their c. them

( )10. is there __honey in the jar? yes, there is __

a. any…any b. any…some c. some…some

( )11. “what’s the matter with you? i’ve got a bad cold.

” the underlined part can be changed with

a. what can i do for you? b. what’s wrong with you?

b. c. what do you want to buy?

( )12. we can’t laugh __others. that’s impolite.

a. in b. at c. on

( )13. how many __do you h**e everyday?

a. lesson b. class c. lessons

( )14pass the ball to him. pass it to me.

a. do b. don’t c. does

( )15. look __the blackboard and pay attention __the teacher.

a. on…to b. at…to c. to…at

( )16. where are my shoes? are they __there?

a. on b. in c. over

( )17. which book do you like? this one __that one?

a. and b. or c. both

( )18. the boy isn’t silly. he is

a. clever b. naughty c. short

( )19. sandy and sue are usually __home on sundays.

a. go b. at c. arrive

( )20is it now? it’s 12:00.

a. what time b. how much c. what day

vi. 用恰当的介词填空:

1. miss williams is h**ing a rest __home. she’s tired today.

2. it’s time __bed. hurry up, children!

3. it’s too hot today, you can take __your thick coat.

4. billy is sitting __tom and sandy.

5. the boy __a book is my elder brother.

6. get __lines, boys.

7. look __those beautiful flowers, they are tulips.

8. listen __the radio carefully.

9. the kite is flying __that building.

10. let’s wait __the school gate.

11. my father drives me to school every morning, he is sitting __me.


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