
发布 2022-11-16 20:43:28 阅读 5394


时间60分钟) 2012.11



1.ab2. ab.

3. ab4. ab.

5. a. black b. blue


eye crayon brown white pencil

mouth eraser yellow head hand


a. yellow b. red c. white d. blue

e. green f. orange g. brown h. black


) fine, thank you. b. very well, thanks.

) i like blueb. i like yellow.

) show me your red crayon.

b. show me your green crayon.

) color the nose green. b. color the face yellow.

) stand upb. sit down.


) toob. fine, thank you.

) good morningb. ok.

) to meet you, too. b. thank you.

)4. a. okb. good afternoon.

)5. a. i’m zipb. fine, thank you.




a.arm b. hand a. eye b. ear a. pencil b. pen

box 八、大家来找茬!圈出各组中不同类的那个选项(10%)

九、 火眼金睛!选择一个正确答案写在括号内。(10%)

1hi, i’m lily.

a. hello, i’m liu xin. b. my name is liu xin.

c. what’s your name?

ok.a. let’s go to school. b. hello. c. nice to meet you.

fine, thank you.

a. how are youb. let’s paint.

c. where is your head?


a. me too! b. great! c. bye!

5this is sarah.

a. goodbye.

b. nice to meet you.

c. i h**e a red pen.


mikejohn: good morning, mike1. ok

mike2. nice to meet you, too.

john: nice to meet you, bai ling. 3. this is bai ling.

bai ling4. good morning, john.

john: let’s paint.

mike and bai ling


hello! boys(男生)and girls(女生)!

hello! miss white!

i h**e a new(新的)pen. it’s red.

i h**e a new pencil-case. it’s blue.

i h**e a new ruler. it’s orange.

i h**e a new eraser. it’s black.

i h**e a new bag. it’s green.

wow! so nice(真漂亮)!


北山经典小学三年级英语下册期中测试卷。班级 姓名 考号得分 一 把听到的字母代号写在答题表内。10分 1 a ll b mm c bb 2 a nn b ii c hh 3 a jj b kk c ee 4 a cc b kk c dd 5 a mm b nn c ll 二 听音,圈出你听到的内容相...


三年级英语期中测试题。姓名 得分 一 连线,找出下列字母的大写或小写。5分 1.k d f i h h k d f i 2.e j l g m j l e m g 二 在四线格上正确书写出这些单词的首字母。5分 1other 2amily 3oy 4he 5riend 三。选出与其他两个不同类的单词...

PEP小学英语三年级上册期中测试卷 3

classnameno 一 照样子,将各图的代号填入相对应的单词前的括号内。10分 a b c d e pencil pencil box eraser crayon school 二 将下列单词的序号填入准确的图形下。10分 mouth eye ear face nose 三 在字母中圈出给出的单...