
发布 2022-11-14 04:54:28 阅读 7061

一 am are is用法。

am are is也叫“是”动词,也称为“”动词。

用法是: i amhe

she is…

you areit


如: i am ben.

you are jiamin.

she is my mother.

the chair is under the desk.

those are bikes

二:h**e, has用法。

h**e, has的意思是“有”

用法:i h**ehe

you h**eshe has…

it单数has 复数h**e

如:i h**e some geese. do you h**e a goat?

he has a catit has big horns.

my brother has some pictures.

her cousins h**e a clock




1. 一般在词尾加s。如:book—booksgoat—goats sister—sisters

2.以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词加es

如:bus—buses box—boxes glass—glasses


3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,把y改为i再加es,如:family—families lady—ladies baby—babies

但 boy—boys (因为y前是元音字母)

4.特殊:goose—geese, foot—feet, tooth—teeth, man—men, woman—women, mouse—mice, child—children shelf—shelves, sheep—sheep, fish—fish



如:a) this isn’t a ruler.

b) those aren’t circles.

c) there isn’t a stool in the living room.

d) she’s not ben’s aunt.

e) i don’t h**e any pigs.

2.(怎样变否定句:有am, are, is的句子在am, are, is后加not,有h**e的句子在h**e前面加don’t。)

如:a) my mother is in the study.

---my mother isn’t in the study.

b) i h**e some pets. -i don’t h**e any pets.


1.由am, are, is或do开头的句子叫一般疑问句, 回答时用yes,或no来回答。

a) are you ben’s sister? yes, i am.

b) is the truck green? no, it isn’t.

c) is there a dictionary behind the box? yes, there is.

d) do you h**e a wardrobe? no, i don’t.

2. (如何变一般疑问句:句子中有am, are, is的把am, are, is移到句子开头, 有h**e的句子在句子开头加do.)

如:a) the woman is my mother.

---is the woman your mother?

b) the table is in the corner.

---is the table in the corner?

c) they are french trains.

---are they french trains?

d) i h**e a ruler.

---do you h**e a ruler ?


由what, how, how many, what colour, where, who等疑问词开头的句子叫特殊疑问句。


如:a) what is that?

it’s a bike.

b) what colour is the plane?

it’s blue.

c) how are you?

i’m fine.

d) where are the shelves?

they’re beside the window.

e) who is the boy?

he is my cousin.

f) how many maps are there on the wall?

there are two.

七。some, any用法。

some, any都表示“一些”,但some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句。

i h**e some books.

i don’t h**e any books.

do you h**e any books?


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