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2009 — 2010学年度第一学期三年级英语试卷参***及评分标准。

一、听录音,选出听到的单词或短语,将其标号填入题前括号内(1×10 = 10分)

3. lake 4. get 5. three

6. these 7. mouse 9. winner 10. ball

b,c,c,a,b, b,a,b,b,c.)

二、看图听句子,判断**是否与听到的内容一致,一致的在括号中用“√”表示,不一致的用“×”表示。(1×5 = 5分)

1 he’s a woman. (f)

2 i’ve go t a new football. (f)

3 i use chopsticks to eat noodles. (t)

4 there are stone lions. (f)

5 he is going to visit his grandparents. (t)

1f 2f 3t 4f 5t )

三、听句子,选出与所听内容相符的**,将其标号填入题前括号内。(1×5 = 5分)

1 i use a knife to cut meat.

2 i can do long jump.

3 look at those birds .they fly so high.

4i h**e got a bad cough.

5 i’m going to be a pilot.

1 c 2b 3b 4 b 5c)


1×5 = 5分)

1 what are these? they are dragon boats.

2 what are you going to do on friday? i’m going to dance.

3 why is he so happy? because he’s got a lot of gifts.

4 what are you doing? i’m playing football.

5 mum, can i h**e a drink? yes. here you are.

五、听对话,按听到的顺序给下面的**编号。(1×5 = 5分。

1 what are you doing now?

we’re ****** a cake.

2 how many people are there in your family?

there are 4.

3 what are these?

these are sam’s shorts.

4 can i h**e some sweets?

no, you can’t.

5 what are you going to do tomorrow?

we are going to listen to music.

6 amy, are you going to be a doctor?

no, i’m going to be a nurse.

六、听录音,根据所听问题,选择恰当的答语。(1×5 = 5分)

1. what are you doing?

2. can you swim fast?

3. how many stone elephants are there?

4. can i h**e some cake, please?

5. what are those?

( 1b 2c 3c 4c 5 a)


1×5 = 5分)

1 ——what are you doing, sam?

——i’m drawing a picture for jenny. it’s her birthday tomorrow.

——you are so kind.

2、——mum , can this yellow bird fly ?

——yes , it can .

——can the red bird fly ?

——no ,it can’t . but it can walk.

3、——look ! there are so many pets.

——there are 11 pet cats, 12 pets dogs, and a yellow pet mouse.

——how many pets are there ?

4、——sports day is coming. amy is going to do long jump. daming is going to run a race.

sam is going to run a race, are about you, jane?

—— i can jump far. so i’m going to do long jump on that day.

5、――sara, what are you going to do on saturday?

—i am going to the cinema.

—— are you going to see “harry porter”.

——no, i’m going to see “ snow white”.

1b 2a 3c 4 b 5 a)

八、听短文,根据所听内容完成**。(1×5 = 5分)

hi, boys and girls. my name is coney. c-o-n-e-y, coney.

i am nine/9 years old. i like eating many kinds of food. i like to eat chips and hamburgers very much.

i like to help people, so i’m going to be a doctor in the future.

九、阅读题(1×5 = 5分)


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