
发布 2022-05-16 02:30:28 阅读 4212





)1. a. nine. b. fine. c. five.

)2. a. nose. b. ears. c. mouth.

)3. a. red. b. ten. c. leg.

)4. a. cap. b. cat. c. cake.

)5. a. door. b. dog. c. doctor.


(三)、判断你所听到的句子与所给的**是否相符。相符的写“t”,不相符的写 “f”,每小题读两遍,计10分。


1、( a good morningb i’m fine,thank you .

2、( a how manyb it’s a book.

3、( a how are youb five.

4、( a what’s thisb good morning!

5、( a what colour is itb it’s green.



) your name?

a: my name is amy. b: what’s your name?

a:many b:much c are

) 3. what colour is your bag?

a: it’s green. b:it’s a bag.

) the desk.

a:to b:at

) h**e __blue bird.

a: a b: an c the

( )6. how oldyou?

a. amb. isc. are.

)7. ms. smart is my english

a. head. b. teacher. c. mr. li.

) ispen.

a. i b me c my

) this a kite ?-no, it___

a is b isn’t c. not

)10.--happy birthday

a. thank you! b. i`m fine c happy birthday


1. hello, i’msam/school )

2. —how manyone/orange )

3. —what’s that ? it’s adesk/down )

4. —where’s the pencil ? i don’tin/know )

5. —is it a blackboardit is. (yes/no )



a. this is my english teacher

b. this is an english teacher


a. what’s your name ?

b. what’s this?


a. how are you?

b. how many pupils?


a. where’s the dog?

b. how is the dog?


a.. stand up ,please.

b. sit down ,please


1. good, sam, morning ,

2. this, school, my, is, (

3. where, the, is, cake, (

4. it’s, pencil, a, green, (

5. she, driver, is, a, (

五)、阅读理解,正确的在括号内写( t ),错误的写( f )。共10分)

look! this is my mother. she is a teacher.

this is my father. he is a doctor. my name is amy.

i’m a pupil. i’m nine. this is my brother, tom.

he is seven.

)1. my name is amy.

)2. my father is a farmer.

)3. my mother is a teacher.

)4. i’m a pupil, i’m nine.

)5. tom is nine, too .


ab1、 good afternoonno , it isn`t.

2、 here`s your pencilit’s a book.

3、 is it a kitethank you .

4、 what’s thisgood afternoon!

5、 what colour is itit’s green.


xx小学xxxx xxxx学年度下学期期末测试。时间 60分钟满分 100分。第一部分听力 30分 一 听录音,圈出你所听到的字母或字母组合。5分 二 听录音,选出与你听到的内容相符的 5分 三 听录音,根据所听内容为下列各图标号。10分 四 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。10分 1.a.my nam...


一 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。ee oo v t x i llss 二 请小朋友认真观察,选出与所给单词属于同类的一项,填序号。1.father a.apple b.monkey c.sister 2.book a.sofa b.bookcase c.pencil 3.black a.yellow b...


1 write the right form.写出下列字母的大写或小写形式。i f d r k 2 tick or cross.看图,读句子。如果两者相符,在括号中打 否则打 3 choose the right answer.根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内。can i use ...