
发布 2022-11-12 09:15:28 阅读 6655


listening part 80%

一、listen and tick.,听录音,在圈中打“√”你听到的图画。每题读两遍。(14分)

二、listen and tick. 每题读两遍。(20分)


三、listen and color. 读两遍。 (12分)the students are talking about the gifts.


四、listen and number.每题听两遍。请听录音,给图画标号。10%

五、listen and write down the numbers.请听录音,用阿拉伯数字写出下列文具的数量。对话读三遍。12%

六、listen and circle. 每题读两遍。(12%)


reading and writing part 20%

一、 reading and choose the right word. 你能把麦当劳的菜单填写完整吗?试一试吧!把单词的字母编码写在括号里。10%

二、reading and writing.他们正在说些什么呢?请把正确答案的序号写在横线上。10%


一、listen and tick.,听录音,在圈中 “勾”出你听到的图画。。每题读两遍。(14分)

1) hello,chen jie. this is my friend, sarah.

2) how old are you?

i’m 9.

3) look! i h**e a bear.

cool!4) happy birthday!

thank you!

5) how many gifts?

ten.6) how many cakes?


7) look! i h**e a monkey.

二、listen and tick. 每题读两遍。(20分)


1. a: i am hungry! can i h**e some bread?

b: here you are, mike. some milk, too.

a: thanks.

2. a: how about you, chen jie?

b: i’d like some cake and water.

a: ok. here you are.

b: thank you.

3. a: sarah, h**e some fish and an egg.

b: thank you.

a: you are welcome.

4. a: wu yifan. h**e some juice, please.

b: thank you. can i h**e some rice, too?

a: here you are.

5. a: john. how about you?

b: can i h**e some bread and juice?

a: here you are.

三、listen and color12分)the students are talking about the gifts. 请听录音,给小朋友们的玩具礼物涂上相应颜色。每题读两遍。

1 a: look! i h**e a cat. it’s blue.

b: wow! your blue cat is cool.

2 a: look at my tiger. it’s red.

b: super! i like your red tiger.

3 a: look! i h**e an orange duck.

b: your orange duck is so nice. i like it!

the monkey is black. i like it.

b: me too.

the yellow pig is beautiful.

b: yes, i like the yellow pig.

what’s this?

b: it’s a dog. it’s brown.

四、listen and number.每题听两遍。请听录音,给图画标号。10分。

1. act like a panda.

2. cut the cake.

3. show me your eraser.

4. open your pencil-box.

5. show me one and two.

6. touch your head.

7. brown, brown, touch the ground.

8. h**e some bread.

9. act like a monkey.

10. drink some water.

五、listen and write down the numbers.请听录音,用阿拉伯数字写出下列文具的数量。对话读三遍。12%

look. so many gifts.

a: how many pencils?

b: five.

a: how many rulers?

b: seven.

a: how many pencil-boxes?

b: ten.

a: how many books?

b: two.

a: how many erasers?

b: nine.

a: how many crayons?

b: four.

六、listen and circle. 每题读两遍。(12%)


1. /r/ /r/ ruler. i h**e a ruler.

2. /p/ /p/ pig. look at the pig. it is big.

3. /k/ /k/ kite. the kite is fly.

4. /v/ /v/ vest. i h**e a vest.

5./∧umbrella. this is an umbrella.

6./l/ /l/ lion. it’s a big lion.


2015 2016年度上学期十月份单元综合练习。考试时间 40分钟卷面满分 100分 听力部分 70分 一 听录音,在你所听到的 下打 每题念两遍。20分,每小题2分 二 听录音,用阿拉伯数字给 编号,每题念两遍。10分,每小题1分 第一组。第二组。三 听录音,在你所听到的字母或单词前的括号里打 每...


海珠区三年级英语2015 2016学年度上学期。期末考试 卷 classnamenoassessment 听力部分。一 听字母组或单词三次,出所读的内容。10 4 b.grandpa 二 听单词或词组三次,根据听到的顺序,在相应的括号内写上大写字母编号。10 三 听句子,选择句子所缺的内容,写出其字...


module 1 module 3 一 a 看图选词,将正确的词写在对应 下的四线三格里。10分 椅子课桌黑板窗户门 1 desk 2 chair 3 window 4 door 5 blackboard b 看中文单词找英语单词,将正确的词写在四线三格里。10分 谢谢女孩男孩。早晨鸟。1 morn...