
发布 2022-11-12 09:14:28 阅读 2268


1、当你初次见到一位朋友,你想知道他的名字,你怎么问? 's your name?2、你告诉别人自己的名字,你应该说:

name is lily. live in china.

3、下课后,danny来到操场,看见mary迎面而来,便主动向他打招呼:danny:hello! there it is.

s your name? is my book? is it? 's his name?

5、lucy:hello! tom:

hello! to meet you. you.

to meet you ,too. 我的名字叫lily,应说 name is lily. is lily?

is lily. old are you?

7、当你和朋友道别时,应说: are you? is it?8、当你想借别人两支钢笔时,你应说:

i h**e two pens? 's this? 's two pens?

i h**e one pen?9、当别人对你说“how are you?”时,你应回答:

to meet you! 'm fine ,thanks.10、“再见!过会儿见!”用英语怎样表达?

you later! are you? name is li ming.

11、当别人问你:“how many book do you h**e?"时,你应回答:

h**e one book. h**e two book.


i h**e one pen? many pens do you h**e? is you pen?

13、--how many___do you h**ei h**e one name is li ming.这句话的汉语意思是:

a.我的名字叫李明。b.李明你好。c.李明居住在中国。15、nice to meet you.这句话的汉语意思是:

a.你好吗?b.见到你很高兴。c.你认识我很好。16、my __is tom.(我的名字叫汤姆。)

17、how __meet

19、__is the school?(学校在哪儿?) colour is it? 's a chair. 'm fine.

many? are you? is it?


23、当你听到老师说:“stand up and show us one,”时,你应该怎么做?a.




24、当别人拿着一只黑色铅笔问你“what colour is it?”时,你应该回答:'s a black. 's black. are black.

25i don't know. is my book? are you?

26six cats. many cats? 's this?

is cats?27it's white. coloer is it?

colour is it? is many desks ?

28my f**ourite colour is red. 's your f**ourite colour? many?

colour is is red colour?29this is a desk.

s this? is the desk? many desks do you h**e?

30、__the door, close 二、英汉互译,把相应序号填到英语句子后面。(20分,每小题1分)

1>备选答案:a.你好吗?b.你叫什么名字?c.喂!d.我的名字叫jenny. e.再见!f.你有多少本书?

1、hello2、goodbye3、how are you?

4、my name is jenny. 5、what's your name6、how many books do you h**e?<2>备选答案:


她的名字叫lily. c.这是一位老师。



1、what's his name? 2、this is a teacher. 3、her name is lily.

4、sheis a girl5、what's her name?<3>给下列句子找到正确的答案。备选答案:

'sachair. is lily. to meet you.

it is. name is jenny.1、what's your name2、what's this3、hello!

jenny.4、how are you? 5、what's his name6、where is the school?

7、how many books 8、nice to meet you9、what's her name三、根据下图提示写出相应的英语单词(30分,每小题1分)<2>根据下列数字写出英语单词。(10分)



i h**e eight are

yellow,red,blue,orange,purple ,green,black, f**ourite colour is yellow.1、i h**e ten markers.

2、black is my f**ourite colour.3、i h**e a red marker.4、i h**e a white marker.

5、yellow is my f**ourite colour.


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