
发布 2022-11-12 15:11:28 阅读 4057



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listening part (听力部分48%)




)1. a. yes, it is. b. yes, there is. c. yes, he is.

)2. a. i am fine. b. i am nine. c. how do you do?

)3. a. it is in baihua street. are in baihua street.

c. i live in baihuan street.

)4. a. she lives in zhongshan street.

b. he lives in zhongshan street. c. i live in zhongshan street.

)5. a. she is pat. b. it is pat’s. c. i am pat.

)6. a. i h**e 16 soft toys. b. i h**e 60 stamps. c. i h**e 66 key rings.

)7. a. what colour are the key rings?

b. where are the key rings?

c. how many key rings are there?

)8. a. where is lily?

b. is there a bookshop near lily’s home?

c. what does lily like?

四。 听短文, 判断对( t ) 错 ( f ).录音听三遍. (10分)

) 1. bill has a red robot.

) 2. bill’s robot can walk but it can’t say hello.

) 3. bill’s robot has 30 squares.

) 4. bill’s robot has 2 stars but it has no circles.

) 5. bill plays with the robot every morning.


hello, i am mary, i live in __201, block 7, panyuthere is anear my home, i can go there to buy my f**ouriteit is pink , there is a rabbit on it. the rabbit has a __face. i like it very much.

my friend lisa lives near my school, there is anear her home, we go there on sunday afternoon.

writing part (笔试部分52%)

一。 读句子,圈出正确的词。(10分)

1. where / what do you live? i live in baihua street.

2. whose/ who’s picture is this? it’s tim’s.

3. my picture h**e / has 2 stars.

4. i can give this star for / to tim.

5. here’s a star on / for you.

6. my neighbour is a / an old man.

7. her / she name is pat.

8. there is / are a clinic near my home.

9. how do you come to school? i come to school on / by foot.

10. it’s in / at 3 yunnan street.


) colour do you likea. i am nine.

) 2. how old are youb. i like blue.

) is shec. i h**e 100 coins.

) 4. how many coins do you h**e? d. she is my teacher.

) book is thise. it’s mimi’s book.



1. the, is , bookshop, where (?

2. this whose is picture (?

3. three has picture his circles (.


a. yes, i do. may i h**e one stamp?

b. i h**e 20 stamps. do you like stamps?

c. ok. here’s a stamp for you.

d. there are some stamps.

e. how many stamps do you h**e?

f. hello, sally! what’s in your bag?

g. thank you! that’s very nice of you!

f六。 读句子,将正确的句子编号填在相应**的横线上。(12分)


一)my friend lisa has a very nice bedroom. there is a pink table near the door. on the table, there is a computer and some books.

there are two key rings on the wall. her bag is on the chair. the bed is near the window, there are twelve soft toys on the bed.

she likes her bedroom very much.

) 1. lisa’s bedroom is very nice.

) 2. the green table is near the door.

) 3. there are 20 soft toys on the bed.

) 4. the books are on the table.

) 5. the key rings are on the bag.

二 )hello, i am bill. i am seven years old. i study in liyuan primary school.

i like my art teacher, mr cao . he is tall and thin. in the art class, i can draw many beautiful pictures.

look at my picture, it is a bird .it has six ********s, two circles and three stars. my friend mary is drawing a house, look at her house, it has a ******** and two squares.

mr cao put our pictures on the wall, my classmates like them very much.


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