三年级英语上册期末模拟试题 二

发布 2022-11-12 09:22:28 阅读 9856





j g i k y


) 1. a. crayon b. bluec. pencil

) 2. a. redb. greenc. arm

) 3. a. handb. footc. white

) 4. a. bookb. monkeyc. bag

) 5. a. eyeb. orangec. black

) 6. a. mouthb. nosec. ruler

) 7. a. yellow b.

) 8. a. bodyb. brownc. leg

) see


四、用is, am, are填空(10分)

1. i wang ling.

2. you welcome.

3. where they?

4. what your name?

5. where your nose?


)1. happy new yeara. you’re welcome.

)2. i h**e a pencilb. i’m 9.

)3. how many cakesc. nice to meet you, too.

)4. thank youd. i’m fine, thanks.

)5. how old are youe. happy new year

)6. this is for youf. here it is.

)7. nice to meet youg. thank you.

)8. how are youh. me too.

)9. where is myi. i’m liuhua.

) your name? j. 8.


) 1. look the elephant.

a. forb. atc. to

) 2. happy birthday you.

a. tob. twoc. too

) 3. this is nose.

a. meb. ic. my

) 4. you tutu?

a. isb. arec. can

) 5. i h**e a cake?

a. areb. amc. can

) 6. here .

a. is itb. it isc. it’s

) 7. the plate is the middle.

a. onb. inc. at

) 8. —let’s go to school

a. okb. thank you c. bye

)9 .it ‘s a蓝色的) bird .

a .blackb .bluec . red

)10 . how many red dogs

a .orange b . it’s a desk c . twelve


1. a: hellob

2. a: what your namebis chen jie.

3. ab: nice to meet you, too.

4. a: goodbyeb

colour is the monkey? b褐色的)


1. stand upa. no

2. openb. there

3. blackc. sit down

4. yesd. close

5. heree. white


) 1. 当你向同学祝贺生日时,会说:

a. happy birthday to you!

b. how are you?

) 1. 你想介绍john给妈妈认识,会说:

this is john.

b. goodbye , john.

) 3. 当你想知道别人有多少岁时,应问。

a. how are you?

b. how old are you?

) 4. 当老师说“sit down, please.” 时,你应说:

a. okb. thank you.

) 5. 当有人问你“ how many fingers do you h**e?” 时,你应说:

a. tenb. five.


a. b. c.

de. )1. show me your pencil-box.

) black. stand up.

)3.--let’s draw an orange. -ok!

)4.--goodbye, zip! -see you, zoom!

)5. -good morning! -good morning!


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