三年级英语优生模拟竞赛 1 上册

发布 2022-11-12 09:24:28 阅读 5837





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a. this is a t-shirtb. look at my new t-shirt.


a. what’s thisb. what colour is it?


a. it’s brownb. it’s blue.


a. thank youb. how nice!


a. it’s an eggb. would you like an egg?


a. this is meb. look at me.


a. it’s red and yellowb. it’s black and white.


is a t-shirt. it’s orange. b. this is a jacket. it’s yellow.


)1、what colour is ita、yes, please.

)2、hello! are you liu taob、it’s white.

)3、would you like an eggc、how nice!

)4、what colour is the snow(白雪)? d、yes, i am.

)5、look at my new skirte、it’s green.


ab: good morning.

a: look at __new

b: it’s

a: what colour is it

b: it’s __

a: what colour is it

b: it’s green.


1. what colour2. a black cap

3. red and yellow4. an egg

5. how at me

7. my skirt8. this is a t-shirt

9. hi, i’m yang ling10. she’s my mother

六、 选择正确的答案完成对话。(10分)

) 1. 你想问别人这件短裙是什么颜色,你会说:

colour is my skirt? b. what colour is this skirt?

) 2. 当你问别人是否想要一个鸡蛋时,你会说:

you like an egg? b. what colour is the egg?

) 3. 当你想告诉别人你的t恤衫是黄色的,你会说:

nice! yellow.

)4. 当别人展示她的新帽子给你看的时候,你可以说:

greatb. this is my cap.

)8. 当你想把王兵介绍给别人时,可以说:

a. i’m wang bing. b. this is wang bing.

七、找答句, 只要在括号内写序号。(5分)

1. look at my jacketa. thank you.

2. what colour is this capb. good evening, liu tao.

3. your t-shirt is nicec. hi, yang ling.

4. she is my friend , yang ling. d. it’s nice .

5. good evening, mikee. it’s brown.

八、按顺序默写字母。(从aa---tt )(20分)


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